SHOCKING! Amazing Heroic Girl Says "I Hope You All GO TO JAIL!" as she Refuses To Comply With Child Mask Mandate. Pummels School Board! (mirrored from
YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 73 Excerpts - Explosive! YAH Warns satan & fallen angels will send a Fake Blue Beam Rapture mocking YAHUSHUA'S Second Coming (mirrored)
Prophecy 24 Pt 2 Excerpts! "I AM THE ARK" Two Holy Prophets Ignored Dumitru Duduman (in Heaven) & Elisheva Eliyahu that America Will Be Decimated By A Multi Nation Attack (mirrored)
3 Prophecy Excerpts YAH Warns of Extreme Risks in Public Schools "Get them out of the dens of the anti-christ before it is too late." State Owned Grooming/Hate/Lust ect...