STOP SAYING "GOD"... It's Not What You Think.

9 months ago

STOP SAYING "GOD"... It's Not What You Think.
In this powerful and potent video, we dive deep into a deliberate and ANCIENT DECEPTION – the distortion of the Creator’s Name. Names are symbols of power, holding the essence of their bearers. The term "God," a mere pagan product of linguistic evolution from Proto-Germanic origins, stands as a stark misrepresentation of the Creator, whose true Name, YAHUAH, resonates with divine and historical significance 🌿.
In an era where distortions are rampant, and the quest for truth is more crucial than ever. We are bringing that truth.
The journey of unearthing the truth is laden with intentional diversions, modifications, and a historical tapestry of calculated shifts in the language. The usage of "God" rather than YAHUAH is not an innocuous error. It’s a conscious deviation that distorts our spiritual understanding and relationship with the divine Himself. The essence, the true connection, is lost in translation, replaced by a term that intentionally veils the real connection with the Creator 🌀.
This video seeks to be a beacon in the obscure journey towards divine TRUTH. It’s a call to spiritual awakening and a call for rekindling an authentic relationship with the Creator by acknowledging and revering His true Name, YAHUAH.
Yishayaahu (Isaiah) 42:8 resonates now more than ever when the Creator of all says clearly, ‘I am YAHUAH, that is My Name; I will not yield my esteem to another, nor my praise to idols.’
We are not just correcting the Name. We are reviving a lost connection, reclaiming a stolen identity, and restoring the purity it holds. In a world inundated with half-truths and distortions, let’s be the messengers of true knowledge. Explore the depths of this revelation and join us in saying YAHUAH, and not the imposter word, GOD.
Our mission is to daily bring more and more TRUTH to the world. The time of deception that has ran rampant for centuries is up. It's time to Promote The Truth!
In the Name of Yahusha Ha Mashiach
🗣 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐃𝐚𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡
Great Commission
Yahusha Ha Mashiach
Natsarim Yashar'el RMR

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