1 year agoThis recording made in 1967 foretold the events and truths we are seeing today and what is coming…nonvaxer420
1 year agoDuring last night’s Senate hearing into our COVID 19 Vaccine Discrimination Bill representatives from Moderna couldn’t provide the numbers of serious adverse reactions from their COVID mRNA injection.nonvaxer420
1 year agosen Roberts ask Chief Advisor TGA pfizer knew covid vaccine lipid nanoparticles went to all organslevtcs
1 year agoEuropean Medicines Agency director Emer Cooke spreads harmful pro-vaxx disinformationfrankploegman
2 months agoPfizer knew: half of the adverse events took place within 48 hours of receiving the injectionCanadian Citizens Journal
2 years agoDr. Naomi Wolf & Ob-Gyn Dr. James Thorp - The dangers of the Covid Vaccine to pregnant womenRight2Freedom
2 years agoUS Military Deaths Up 1100% and Exponentially Rising: 2/3 got Jabbed with Vaccine Delivered AIDSteddolbi
1 year agoNo One Was Told They Were Being Injected With Electromagnetic DevicesAetherMedia22 Tony Punch
10 months agoNanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body- REESE REPORTLibertarian99
6 months agoNaomi Wolf: "It is the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history unfortunately.willseekyou
1 year agoLipid nanoparticle-mediated delivery of CRISPR components for neuronal genome editing (mRNA) - University of British Columbianonvaxer420