2 years agoPart 2 Anti-feminist who was thrown out of Internet & hunted by pedophile cannibal Satanist witchesChristianRapture
2 years agoTruth about Agenda U.N. 21 and Plan to Control and Enslave the New World OrderWhat If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?
2 years agoFallen angel elites' NWO Western feminist nations’ governments caught poisoning your water supplyChristianRapture
2 years agoNWO elites bio lab around Russia using Slav gene bio weapons. George Soros funded Ukraine revolutionChristianRapture
6 months agoVACCINE MOSQUITOES & NEW LOCKDOWNS? - Fauci Hospitalized - Bill Gates MosquitoesThe Resistance
5 months agoISRAEL OWNS THE USA! - Trump Says He Will "Crush" Antisemitism - Israel Plants Bombs In Kids Toys!The Resistance
4 years agoDetox the liver! Rape-oil? CIA-Signal. Big Tech oppression. Very little Finnish Vitamin D deficiencyHenrik Wallin English
1 year agoDr. Ana Mihalcea -Meat Contaminated With NANOTECH (Related info and links in description)MyCatholicRedPill
2 years agoFACTS ABOUT BILL GATES AND HIS PLANS FOR THE WORLD (The Banned Video)FYeye for your Info...
2 years agoA British Cardiologist Just Went on the BBC and Asserted the COVID Vaccine IS Killing People.TheUncommonSense
1 year ago‘Food Fascism’: New York City to Begin Tracking Food Purchases and Imposing Caps on Red MeatVigilant News NetworkVerified