Part 2 Anti-feminist who was thrown out of Internet & hunted by pedophile cannibal Satanist witches

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (July 2022).

Part 2 video – “The death of distinction” by ChristyOMisty (one of the many anti-feminist Christian girls who were threatened and kicked off the Internet and gang-stalked and hunted down and possibly cooked alive by CIA microwave oven weapons from next door homes & rooms every day by the millions of earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers reptilian hybrid “gay mafia elite” Pedogate Pizzagate “White House Pizza Night” LGBTPB Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality “abortion child sacrifice ritual” “abortion child human meat food” “fetus sex spirit cooking ritual” “Planned Parenthood industry” mother goddess cult New Age Wicca witch pedophile cannibal Satanist “Hansel & Gretel witches” feminists)

Christy in Part 2 talks about how Satan Lucifer and the Illuminati NWO earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers pedophile cannibal Satanist Pedogate Pizzagate “White House Pizza Night” reptilian hybrid New Age Wicca witch feminists, who are torturing & lesbian raping (pegging) & sacrificing & eating 12 million children every year, and throwing their leftover human meat and bone ashes into the supermarket food and restaurant food, are removing all distinction between men and women. This is why the Jezebel demon-possessed Western feminist nations’ women, who are redefining Bible verses and rebelling against women’s head coverings, and cross-dressing in “Satan Lucifer’s post-1960s cross-dress-project” men’s trousers, do not have a drop of femininity but they behave like men. It is the Jezebel demon spirit inside them that is making them think and behave like that. All fallen entities detached from God’s holiness will behave in warped ways. This is a sign of the End Times when humans have become completely totally absolutely demon-possessed, and this hippy grandchildren generation’s judgment by sword & famine & plague & demon armies has ripened. They will all get destroyed, and the Western feminist nations’ populace will either be dead or become child sex slaves for the demon spirits who are now taking over 33.3% of their population in cloned hybrid human avatar bodies and stolen “walk in” human bodies of their Illuminati Luciferian theosophy ascended masters New Age Wicca witch demon-possessed human servants. Since they are demon-possessed, and their minds and hearts are controlled by the Jezebel demon spirit, they are not aware of this, and that God’s judgment is right at their front doorsteps. This is the case in every society that has become totally absolutely completely reprobate and degenerate, including the Western feminist nations’ apostate harlot Church, whether it was the Noah’s days Atlantis civilization and Sodom & Gomorrah and the Prophet Jeremiah’s times. Dear brethren, this is how you will be able to tell if a person is demon-possessed by the Jezebel demon spirit. They will read our real Christians’ truth and God’s warnings, and the Jezebel demon spirit inside their bodies will absolutely abhor and hate what we are writing and teaching and warning, and the original Bible verses who is Christ. It is like hanging garlic in front of a vampire’s nose, or pouring pesticide on cockroaches. They will hate you and hate everything you write and preach and warn. It is like the people in Noah’s flood days and Sodom & Gomorrah days. They will kick you out of church immediately, and they will pay billions of dollars to Satan Lucifer’s pedophile cannibal Satanist reptilian hybrid church pastors. They are the living dead. If Christ was here today speaking to them, they will try to crucify him. The pastors would be the first to try to stone Jesus, because they are “ordained & allowed & trained” by Satan Lucifer.

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