R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Lowell's Ten Minute History Lessons (Episode #16 -- May 5th, 2024). Topic: "John Harvard (1607-1638), after whom Harvard College (established 1636) was named"
R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Ten Minute History Lessons (Episode #8 -- Feb 11th, 2024). Topic: 42nd Anniversary (1982-2024) of Syrian Hama Holocaust of 40,000 Arab Muslim Men, Women and Children Slaughtered by Their Fellow Arab Muslims
R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Five Minute History Lesson (Episode #6 -- January 14th, 2024). Topic: Sir Francis Kett (1547-1589 C.E.). FIRST Protestant Theologian To Call for the Restoration of the Children of Israel to the Land of Israel
R&B Weekly Seminar: Lowell's Ten Minute History Lesson (Episode #10 -- Tuesday, February 27th, 2024). Topic: "Sir Henry Finch (died 1625), Author, 'The World's Great Restauration, or Calling of the Jews' (1621)"