11 months agoHeterosexual Day Speeches At Straight Pride Parade In Boston April 1 Fool DayWhat If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?
2 years agoPort Townsend Rally for Decency Hugging 2 of my Protectors, Gay Married Men.Port Townsend Rally for Decency Event 9-3-2022
1 year agoAug 28 2017 Berkeley 1.1 'Tiny' talking about antifa, media, and why he changed his views.Documenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoNov 18 2017 Boston Commons 1.1 Leader of Antifa group Bash Back BostonDocumenting Antifa Violence
10 months agosep 20 2019 Portland 1.3 after throwing stuff antifa runs away and is chassed after by policeDocumenting Antifa Violence
11 months agoAug 17 2019 Portland 1.8.3 No police in sight as antifa mob descends on men and attacksDocumenting Antifa Violence
10 months agosep 27 2019 tucker interviews Dave Rubin about speech, Cancel Culture, and AntifaDocumenting Antifa Violence
9 months agoKim Osbøl's Worldwide Satanic LGBTQIA+ Pedophile Agenda 2030 'Situation' Update! [23.05.2024]KimOsboel
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.11 Antifa with gun gets arrested for attacking trump supportersDocumenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.7 Police continue to move Antifa back, will be arrested if they don't moveDocumenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.6 antifa with a gun talking about rapist and stuffDocumenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.5 police pushing back ANTIFA with bikes so the march can startDocumenting Antifa Violence
1 year agoJune 10 2017 Seattle 1.3 Police separate the two crowds after Antifa glitter bombDocumenting Antifa Violence