Heterosexual Day Speeches At Straight Pride Parade In Boston April 1 Fool Day

9 months ago

Heterosexual Day Parade In Boston Or Is It Heterosexual April 1 Fool Day ? The Day After Easter Sunday 2024. So refreshing to see a festivity where there aren't grown men in ball-gags dancing around children. Imagine claiming to stand for love and acceptance and then being triggered over a straight parade and telling them they're not welcome. The hypocrisy.

When did I condone the abuse of children by priests? Whether it comes from the left or the right, abuse is wrong period. What's wrong with wanting people to keep their clothes on in front of kids and not wanting them to be sexualized at such a young age. All this pushback from the Right is a response.

lol so you use 'faggot' as an insult and then proceed to call yourself the exact same thing..? Have some self-respect. Also, whether I have same-sex attraction or not doesn't change the fact that kids are being harmed by vulgar public displays. I've heard gay ppl say the same thing. And we all know what goes on at those events (bdsm, dog masks, etc). We have receipts.

You people make it controversial. My God everyone was welcome and only trump support went ? It just turned into a trump parade. Just like any protest these days people show up because their ideologies are in common with each other and bring a sign that supports whatever their personal belief is.

Our lawyer for the parade is a Democratic delegate for the DNC, the Grand Marshall was a gay man who's married to a black guy, we had all shapes, sizes, colors, gays, transgender etc. We had more diversity at the dinner event after wards then the whole counter protest but nice try. nothing you said was remotely true. You are a heterophobe. You are literally worse than Hitler. The world has no room for your intolerance. Bigot.

the counter-protesters actually had a sticker that said if you are a heterosexual that has sex you are adding to rape culture and straight sex is rape. They also had on the same sticker If you have sex with way people you are complicit in okay with pushing white supremacy. The laughter was and is unhinged especially at this event I believe there was over 30 or us at least on their side that was only antifa. That feeling when you try and fight back against your quote on quote “oppressors” and it backfires when you’re the bully kicking the shit out of the dead corpse.

As a male bisexual I will say this. Most of us were not in that LGBT crowed (we were never apart of the LGBT to begin with), and There are plenty of male closeted Bisexuals in the straight pride march with the US flags. I'm going to also state that they were in Antifa as well. However I can say that the majority of us male bisexuals are not out there protesting with the LGBT, we are too busy working. "to make sure that they know that they're not welcome"... Straight people not welcome in the USA is that what its come to? Than they have the audacity to say straight people are not discriminated. These protesters is proof that they are. " I'm straight and wouldn't want to be any other way" does that trigger you?

If everyone gets a trophy despite not winning then everyone should be able to have a parade despite not being historically discriminated against. Also, I see a LOT of discrimination happening towards straight people in these videos of this event. So I ask you: who is the REAL "intolerant hate group" then?

Someone, anyone, tell me what straight people did to deserve a pride? Bet someone can’t give me an actual answer that isn’t “The cis, heterosexuals felt left out.”

I'm all against discrimination and when it comes to straight pride parade i don't really see people saying ban homosexuality, if it came to that okay that's wrong, but it's just a parade and at the end of the day we're all just people and we should be equal I'm sick of the prejudice i see in the world all the time. Either your gay or straight it doesn't matter.

Speech is speech. The freedom of speech laws are there to protect the speech you disagree with. Whether you think it's hateful or not, unless speech is actively asking for violence against a specific individual or group, and as long as it is in line with time, place, and manner regulations, it should be allowed.

I'm starting a moderate, apathetic, pride parade. No one will show up, as we're at home sipping our coffee, watching these videos wondering when did both sides completely lose their shit lol.

What in the hell is wrong with people? I really struggle to see where the controversy is in this. People are actually protesting for not being gay? Really? This is what we've come to?

The violence only proves these parades necessary. If we can’t celebrate the unification of males and females in relationships that create life then I think we are to far gone. Hopefully these parades help people remember that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Wouldn’t it have been great if nobody protested, and nobody covered it, literally if everyone just acted like it wasn’t even there. No attention = no influence.

You know how you can tell that all of the arrested people were from the protesters? They didn't mention how many of the parade members were arrested. Which tells you that they were all protesters. I think that the response to the straight pride parade is a little ridiculous. And I say this as a gay man. The only people who made this parade such a big deal, where the protesters. And one thing I don't really understand, is how can the LGBT community, my community, ask straight people to be their Ally, and then refuse to be an ally of straight people?

This makes me sick. When I was in school 30 years ago I had to deal with racist kids complaining every February that we needed a White History Month and now we have to deal with hateful people who want to ignore Obergefell v. Hodges. People talk about God or Adam and Eve. Explain to me this...if God is the only being who is perfect, when he made homosexuals...did he make a mistake? Because, a God that makes a mistake can't be all powerful. I would also like to point out that if God only made 1 man and 1 woman, that makes all of us inbred. How do you explain different races? If you want people to be tolerant of your sexuality you have be be tolerant of their sexuality. What makes you think that your religion is the right one? There are religions that predate Christianity!

Judge Upholds Charges For Straight Pride Parade Protesters In Court Half of the 36 people arrested during Saturday's Straight Pride Parade in Boston were arraigned at Boston Municipal Court Tuesday. The charges range from disorderly conduct to assault and battery on a police officer.

Prosecutors from Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins' office attempted to get charges dismissed for any of the protesters charged with disorderly conduct who had no prior record – but each time, Justice Richard Sinnott denied the request and scheduled a pretrial hearing for each defendant.

Justice Sinnott went against both the prosecution and defense's request, also ordering half a dozen people be taken into custody and held on cash bail ranging from $250 to $750. One man was held without bail.

"We couldn't be happier at the moment with the judge that's on the bench," said Larry Calderone, the Vice President of the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association. "We are here to make sure the DA prosecutes these offenders to the fullest extent of the law."

Boston Police say four officers are still out of work after being injured on Saturday. "Many officers were assaulted throughout the day, with bottles of urine being thrown at them, bottles of chemicals," said Calderone.

The 36 people were arrested when a protest of the parade got chaotic. Some protesters said police used excessive force with them, while the head of the police union says the protesters came "to create havoc."

However, some protesters being arraigned spoke to WBZ and said they felt targeted by police. "Multiple times I asked why I was arrested, he said 'for calling me a pig,'" said Joshua Abrams before his arraignment. "Well, that's my first amendment right to do so."

Some of the protesters called for an investigation into Boston Police's handling of the situation. Boston Police representatives said the situation will be investigated, as is standard policy with all police responses like this.

There are still 18 more protesters who haven't yet been in court.

District Attorney Rachael Rollins issued the following statement on Tuesday's proceedings:

"By compelling arraignment in every case, the judge punished the exercise of individuals' First Amendment right to protest. At my request, prosecutors used the discretion constitutionally allocated to the executive branch to triage cases and use our resources most effectively to protect public safety. Make no mistake: some people were appropriately arraigned and will be held accountable for actions that put the safety of the public and law enforcement at risk. For those people now tangled in the criminal justice system for exercising their right to free speech—many of whom had no prior criminal record—I will use the legal process to remedy the judge's overstepping of his role." Defendants who were arraigned Tuesday will return to court on various dates during September, October, and November.

Happy Heterosexual Pride Day, a Rare Moment for Straight-Love Celebration Three days after the gays get their chance to let their rainbow flags fly, social media is alight in honor of #HeterosexualPrideDay—the tribute to straight love we all need.

Trying to cross Fifth Avenue this morning, much as I was this past weekend, I was interrupted by a parade.

There were all the men, in their khakis and J. Crew shirts—we all know the one, the uniform—marching in time, removing their Ray Bans to dab off some sweat on their way to streamline, strategize, consult, and do their definitely real-sounding jobs.

Before I knew it, the women had joined them, spilling out of SoulCycle and carousing in a cacophonous din, alternatingly sipping their pressed juices and iced coffees before parting ways to their respective homebases—various PR offices in Flatiron.

Around Union Square I glimpsed the couples emerging from the subway, bravely blocking the way for commuters in a rush to get to work with their insistence to walk hand-in-hand on the busy sidewalk, a courageous public display of affection in solidarity with those who are like them: the men and women everywhere who want to show their love in public and just feel normal about it.

All around me I saw these revelers. So many versions of men furiously texting on their phones, confidently charging through the sea of pedestrians without a care for who might be in their way, emboldened by the power haircut—that one that imbues each donner with an insufferable ego irresistible by Bachelorette casting producers.

In between Tinder swipes, their female counterparts joined them, their zig-zagging down the parade route a spell-blinding feat of choreography, or maybe just a byproduct of walking in heels whilst Snapchatting.

Their battle cries could be heard for miles, gruff barkings of “Bruh! Bruh!” and occasional squawks of “Oh my god!” over the din. Seizing the opportunities to buck conventions of a society who cringes at their instincts to be their true selves, the most renegade few sported wild outfits like extra deep V-neck tees and tighter yoga pants than usual.

Their intense, passionate making out sessions—the kind without a care in the world for what passersby might have to witness, in various states of disgust—previously relegated to shadowy safe havens such as “on park benches,” “in the middle of the bar,” “wherever they want,” and “in plain sight” are now taking place out in the open without a care for being judged or disapproved of.

After decades of being marginalized by the media to roles like “The Lead of an Expensive Broadcast Drama” and “Romantic Lead of the Next Major Film Franchise” and reduced to stereotypes and dated clichés, here is their chance to wave their flags in all their diverse glory.

And, in the ultimate display of validity and recognition, they have been gifted with a social media hashtag for the monumental occasion: #HeterosexualPrideDay.

I was unaware while walking through the city this morning that I would encounter this parade—clearly I forgot to update my calendar with this year’s pride date. But I was touched to reach Fifth Avenue and witness this rare display of unbridled, unself-conscious authenticity and jubilation of this community being, finally themselves.

Had I not known that it was Heterosexual Pride Day I would have missed this march, for it’s seldom that I get a chance to see it: only twice a day, once on the way to work and once on the way home. The enthusiasm today was palpable, though. The Sperrys shuffled with more friction. The flats were less scuffed.

To mark Heterosexual Pride Day, a “Day” essentially timed 72 hours after the LGBT community marched down that same Fifth Avenue in celebration of their right to love and be themselves and in defiance of those denying those rights and their safety in the wake of the shooting in Orlando, your friends and mine have taken to social media to comment on the isolated occasion to honor straight people.

'Heterosexual Pride Day’ declared, decried on social media
Some seem to want a straight equivalent to Gay Pride but others complain the idea “must have been created by the kid that cries when he doesn’t get a present during someone else’s birthday party.”

Social media is buzzing with the pronouncement of June 29 as “Heterosexual Pride Day,” which appears just as cities, provinces and states around the world celebrate June as Gay Pride month.

While the hashtag #HeterosexualPrideDay is trending, the response has been largely negative — and humourous — for the group of self-proclaimed straight males and females.

“I’ll never forget the day I sat down my family to tell them I was straight,” tweeted Toronto comedian Peter Anthony. “I haven’t spoken to my father in years.”

“I don’t have anything against straight people,” tweeted Parker Molloy of Chicago. “I just don’t think they should force their lifestyles on the rest of us.”

Tweeted Tom Riddle of Amsterdam: “y’all so brave. must be hard being able to hold hands and kiss in public without getting attacked”

Heterosexual Pride Day defender ThioJoe tweeted an obscene comment to all those who ridiculed him on Twitter.

He also tweeted: “Reading through #HeterosexualPrideDay tweets. Apparently straight white men aren’t allowed to be proud.”

Asked by the Star how he would celebrate Heterosexual Pride Day, ThioJoe replied: “I don’t celebrate it. I’ve never heard of this ‘holiday,’ it’s not even real. I just don’t understand the outrage.”

Much of the social media opposition comes from those who argue that the LGBT community has had to struggle to win limited equality and respect, while those things have always been handed to heterosexuals.

“If #HeterosexualPrideDay is confusing, you may know it by its other names: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday,” tweeted Mitch Goldstein of Rochester, N.Y.

“Really? #HeterosexualPrideDay What’s next, #BreathingAirDay ?,” added Tweeter Dapper29.

Hannah on Manchester tweeted the same idea: “#heterosexualprideday dates announced! January 1st to December 31st annually.”

In 1969, then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau decriminalized homosexual acts for consenting adults.

Two years later, 300 people got together at Hanlan’s Point for the city’s first known gay pride picnic. City officials refused to declare Gay Pride Week and refused to grant permission for the picnickers to march down Yonge St.

Gay Pride Month was declared for the first time in the U.S. by then-President Bill Clinton in June of 2000 and continues to be declared each year of President Barack Obama’s administration.

Metro in the U.K. has condemned Heterosexual Pride Day as a “passive aggressive ‘event’ for homophobes to try and snatch back the progression of LGBT acceptance.”

It’s not clear exactly who created Heterosexual Pride Day, but a Detroit-area tweeter who identifies him/herself as The Awkward Yeti concludes: “#heterosexualprideday must have been created by the kid that cries when he doesn’t get a present during someone else’s birthday party.”

Can we get a straight answer about 'Heterosexual Pride Day'? To borrow a phrase that we're probably too old to use, social media "is lit" with mentions of "Heterosexual Pride Day".

The phrase was used more than 300,000 times on Twitter in just a few hours on Wednesday - mostly it has to be said by people ridiculing the idea that such a day might exist or need to exist.

Though there has been much outrage and humour expressed online, it's not entirely clear that anybody has actually arranged any event to celebrate and empower the straight majority community. It could all be a tongue-in-cheek social media invention, perhaps intended to point up the continuing disparities between the way differing sexualities are treated; or to just annoy the easily annoyed.

#HeterosexualPrideDay comes just days after tens of thousands marched in London and New York in more conventional Pride parades. As Gay Pride marches, aiming to highlight discrimination and homophobia, first began in 1970 in direct response to the 1969 the Stonewall riot, many on social media wondered what would be the point of a "Heterosexual Pride Day".

However, the timing of the #HeterosexualPrideDay tag concerned many. It comes little more than a fortnight after the deadliest gun attack in American history, when a shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando killed 49 and injured as many.

This is not the first mention of "Heterosexual Pride", events and rallies have been organised in the past. Though they have never really caught on, this one in 2015 gained attention where no one turned up to celebrate opposite-sex pairings. But who started this viral hashtag? This first tweet for the day appears to come from this account.

Although several of the tweets on the tweeter's timeline are colourful, asking for equal rights for straight people as well as a platform to celebrate their union, could this hashtag be an elaborate hoax? An ironic way to poke fun at the collective internet outrage it sparked?

Every Day Is Straight Pride Day The recent news that Boston is hosting a "straight pride parade" shows willful ignorance of an oppressive reality: every day is straight pride day.

Every day, straight people march down the street, holding hands, kissing, and loving one another without fear of violence or arrest. An article in The Advocate by Alexander Cheves highlights at least 34 simple acts of affection -- be it sitting next to the person one loves or stroking his hair -- that straight people take for granted. Gay people know that on their lips, a kiss is not just a kiss. It is an act of bravery. It might as well be a revolution.

The hashtag erupted on Twitter at the beginning of Pride month, and it questioned why the LGBTQ community deserves its own time and space to celebrate its identity. The ignorance in that question wasn't lost on much of Twitter. Many listed the reasons why a "Heterosexual Pride Day" is not only unnecessary, but also ignorant to the struggles of minority communities.

This debate is, unfortunately, not new. This argument tends to surface during the height of Pride season when the rainbow banners are at full mast. And in June 2013, gay journalist LZ Granderson bested Twitter by writing a prescient op-ed titled "Why isn't there Straight Pride month?"

In the piece, Granderson addressed how historically marginalized communities are still marginalized, and in many ways -- be they victims of bullying, legal discrimination, or gun violence. Pride may appear to be celebratory in the media, he contended, but ultimately, these parades are an "integral part of our survival" because they give visibility to LGBT lives.

"Gay Pride was not born out of a need to celebrate not being straight but our right to exist without prosecution," Granderson stated, before addressing Pride's critics. "So maybe instead of wondering why there isn't a straight pride month or movement, straight people should be thankful they don't need one."

This statement was widely circulated on social media during last year's "Heterosexual Pride Day." On a meme with this text was shared over 600 times, demonstrating the continued need to educate those with privilege about the need for events like Pride.

The distraction of Straight Pride, as explained by LGBTQ activists and historians. What is an event that promotes the “inclusion of straights”?

Boston’s Straight Pride was only a matter of time. Every year when Black History Month rolls around, a certain segment of the American public asks themselves, “Yes, but what about all the good things white people have done?” Last year, a report from Public Policy Polling found that 35 to 37 percent of Trump supporters feel the United States should have a dedicated month to celebrate the history and contributions of Caucasians.

The same is true for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in May, National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month in September, and National American Indian Heritage Month in November. There’s always someone in a non-marginalized community who wonders, “Where’s my trophy?”

So, with the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots happening this year, it was inevitable that straight people would decide they wanted in on the action. In June, a group calling itself Super Happy Fun America announced it was planning a Straight Pride Parade in Boston. The group says they requested the same route as the Boston Pride Parade, which marched from Copley Square to Government Square on June 8.

Straight Pride co-organizer John Hugo told Vox in an email, “Perhaps one day straights will be honored with inclusion and the acronym will be LGBTQS. Until that time, we have no other choice but to host our own events.”

Last week, the city of Boston approved the permit application for the parade, which will be held on August 31 and feature alt-right figure Milo Yiannopoulos as its grand marshal. Yiannopoulos, who is gay, claimed in a statement announcing his participation that he has “spent [his] entire career advocating for the rights of America’s most brutally repressed identity: straight people.”

While news of the event inspired the expected maelstrom of outrage — including condemnations from Avengers star Chris Evans and even the band Smash Mouth — its existence has largely been met with confusion. Many wondered: What the heck is a Straight Pride Parade, anyway? Who will participate? Will there be floats? Or is it just a Chick-fil-A drive-thru?

Vox spoke with LGBTQ organizers and historians across the US to get to the bottom of the Straight Pride Parade: What is it and why is it happening in 2019?

Straight Pride Parade organizers are connected to the alt-right
In an era that has given rise to the alt-right and where the president employs anti-LGBTQ lobbyists, perhaps the least surprising element of Boston’s Straight Pride is that its organizers have been linked to far-right white supremacist groups.

As ThinkProgress was the first to report, Mark Sahady — one of three men credited with organizing the event — has ties to the New Hampshire American Guard and the Massachusetts Patriot Front, both of which the American Defamation League defines as a white supremacist groups. He also has connections to the Proud Boys, the group that was responsible for violently beating a man who stole one of their MAGA hats on the streets of New York City in October 2018. The mob called him a “faggot,” threw him to the ground, and kicked him repeatedly.

Sahady’s co-organizer, Hugo, was backed by the “alt-lite” group Resist Marxism during his unsuccessful run for Massachusetts’ Fifth Congressional District last year.

According to activist Terry Roethlein, a lead organizer of New York City’s Queer Liberation March, the Straight Pride Parade is essentially a funhouse mirror version of an event planned at the Center, the city’s LGBTQ community space, in May. LGBTQ figures in the alt-right movement were scheduled to have a discussion on why LGBTQ people should #WalkAway from the Democratic Party, a hashtag created by the panel’s moderator, Brandon Straka.

If that event, which was eventually cancelled by the Center following backlash, intended to use LGBTQ issues as a cover for far-right ideology, the Straight Pride Parade does the opposite: exploiting anti-LGBTQ sentiment to drum up support for their agenda.

“They’re grasping at straws,” Roethlein says. “They’re using any available platform to create waves because either way they’re going to get some people that agree with them or will nod in agreement. It’s totally out of the Donald Trump playbook — someone who rules by the dark side of Twitter. It’s just anything that will generate some electricity, some sparks, and some negativity.”

More broadly, longtime LGBTQ activist Yasmin Nair tells Vox the Straight Pride Parade is just an excuse for hate groups to march after the backlash to the Unite the Right rally and the death of Heather Heyer at Charlottesville, Virginia, two years ago. “Straight Pride is a weird form of nationalist masculinity burying itself under rainbow-colored blankets,” Nair said.

The alt-right is attempting to capitalize on a culture of division under Trump
In June, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said he “cannot deny a permit based on an organization’s values” but that the city’s “values won’t change” because of an event that he had no plans on attending. Following their announcement, organizers didn’t immediately confirm a date for the parade, and some speculated that Straight Pride would not take place. However, on Thursday, organizers announced the city had approved its event permit for August 31. Hugo affirmed that “people from all communities are welcome,” adding that Super Happy Fun America doesn’t “hate anyone.”

“We want people to be aware that there is not only one side of things,” he previously told Boston’s TBZ-TV. “There’s a lot of people that are uncomfortable with a lot of things that are going on in our country and they’re afraid to speak up.”

The both sides-ism Hugo espouses is destructive to queer and trans people at a time when bigotry and anti-LGBTQ hate have become normalized under the current presidency. Just in the past few weeks, the Trump administration has proposed policies that would allow homeless shelters to refuse to house transgender women and medical centers to deny potentially life-saving care to trans people, as long as they cite a religious reason for turning them away.

These near-daily attacks on the rights and protections of LGBTQ Americans has trickled down. A recent survey from the national media watchdog group GLAAD and the Harris Poll showed that straight millennials are less likely to be comfortable with having an LGBTQ family member or an LGBTQ doctor than they were in recent years.

Monica Helms, creator of the Trans Pride flag, says the continued challenges of being LGBTQ even in a time of relative acceptance are why queer and transgender people celebrate Pride to begin with. The act of self-love is a protection, she says, against the daily trauma of being authentically yourself in a society where you are more likely to be evicted from your home, fired from your job, denied access to health care, targeted in a hate crime, or killed in the street because of who you are.

“No matter where we go, where we are, what we do, we could be in danger simply because of who we are,” Helms tells Vox. “We have to fight for our survival. These straight people don’t have to do that.”

Although Super Happy Fun America has claimed that “all communities are welcome” at Straight Pride, the event is only likely to further a culture of exclusion that harms marginalized LGBTQ people already facing oppression. While LGBTQ Pride events foster an inclusive ethos of bringing everyone together under the queer umbrella, Straight Pride is about the celebration of some identities at the expense of others.

Straight Pride is about creating distraction. It’s outrage for outrage’s sake.
Hugo told Vox over email, “We are offended that some have chosen to frame our parade in contrast to LGBTQ pride parade [sic].” However, many see Straight Pride as just trolling the LGBTQ community.

While the event’s page says it hopes to “achieve inclusivity and spread awareness of issues impacting straights in Greater Boston and beyond,” it is flipping terms like “inclusion” and “diversity” on their heads to generate controversy and, thus, free publicity. Its stated mission to celebrate the “diverse history, culture, and contributions of the straight community” is intended to do nothing more than cause internet outrage.

Brian Pendleton, co-founder of the L.A. Resist March, argues getting into “a frothy frenzy about what they’re up to” only plays into their hands.

“LGBTQ Pride Parades and Pride Month are meant to celebrate us and elevate us,” he tells Vox, “whereas I feel like Straight Pride is meant to divide us. It’s just a dog whistle. The best way to respond to that movement — which it’s laughable that it might even be a movement — is to not give it any attention.”

The Facebook page for Super Happy Fun America backs up Pendleton’s argument that the event is merely a rage-click Trojan horse. After a scheduled livestream with Milo Yiannopoulos, the parade’s grand marshal, on June 10 turned out to be a disaster, its social media presence has primarily consisted of mocking liberal outrage about the event. A popular meme featuring a warped Spongebob Squarepants doubled over says, “Leftist when they hear about Straight Pride.”

Super Happy Fun America needs to fan the flames of liberal discontent with Straight Pride because the event is unlikely to be successful otherwise.

In July 2017, blogger Anthony Rebello invited more than 2,000 people to a “Heterosexual Parade” planned in Capitol Hill, Seattle’s historic LGBTQ district. On the day of the event, he was the only person who showed up. As the LGBTQ news site Seattle Gay Scene reported at the time, Rebello marched down the street with black and white balloons and a homemade cardboard sign reading: “Straight Pride.”

It’s a telling indication of the Straight Pride Parade’s likely fortunes that Yiannopoulos has been the only major figure willing to associate himself with the festivities, while Brad Pitt ordered organizers to stop using his likeness under threat of a lawsuit. Two years ago, the alt-right persona would have been a major get. He was popular enough in February 2017 that a cancelled speech at UC Berkeley led to a violent clash with police and $100,000 in property damage.

But Yiannopoulos has fallen on hard times. Shortly following the Berkeley riots, he resigned from Breitbart after old comments resurfaced in which he defended pedophilia. His book, Dangerous, sold around 18,000 copies and he’s reportedly $4 million in debt.

Straight Pride twists why LGBTQ people fight for equality
Although the thinking behind it perhaps isn’t very deep, Straight Pride serves to distort the meaning and history of LGBTQ Pride Month, as well as its relevance to the ongoing struggles of queer and trans people for equality.

A now-common refrain during Pride Month is that the very first LGBTQ Pride was not a party, it was a protest. The inaugural event was held in June 1970 to mark the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall riots, a clash between police and patrons of the Stonewall Inn after a series of raids on the West Village gay bar. Because it was illegal to be LGBTQ in most states across the US in the 1960s, being queer or trans was treated as a status crime; bars were frequently targeted by cops, who beat and arrested patrons.

One year after Stonewall, a group of activists in New York City honored the Stonewall riots by marching from the West Village to Central Park, where they gathered for what organizers termed a “gay-in.” It was a space where Roethlein says LGBTQ people could be themselves without police inference.

“People could hang out, lie on blankets, have picnics, and just get to know one another in an unpoliced environment, to just be queer or trans or whatever you are and enjoy the day,” Roethlein tells Vox.

That’s not exactly the image many Americans have of Pride parades today, which are complete with Chase Bank and Chipotle floats. According to Nair, LGBTQ Pride events began to pivot away from their radical origins in the 1990s, which is when she claims that “corporations began to realize that the LGBTQ community was also a consumer community.”

But as New York City’s Queer Liberation March protests the increasing corporatization of Pride, many events have carved out their own space in recent years. The Los Angeles Resist March, held in 2017, protested rollbacks of LGBTQ rights under President Trump. The “Walk a Million Faces” march in Jackson, Mississippi, is akin to a giant job fair, one featuring locals who have started their own businesses or community groups.

So while Pride Month might seem like a very mainstream celebration today, it still recognizes that many of the struggles Stonewall protesters faced 50 years ago are the same issues LGBTQ people deal with currently. For example, on June 29, marchers in Montgomery, Alabama, walked right up to the steps of the state capitol building following a particularly difficult few months for the community. In May, lawmakers passed a bill to abolish all marriage certificates rather than issue same-sex marriage licenses, and Alabama Public Television declined to air an episode of the children’s show Arthur because it featured a “gay rat wedding.”

“Montgomery was the site of the first murder of the year of a trans woman of color, Dana Martin,” Jose Vazquez, president of Montgomery Pride United, tells Vox. “We remember all these people that are still victims to a system that ignores the lives of people of color, trans people of color, and queer people of color.”

What distinguishes the genesis of LGBTQ Pride from this year’s Straight Pride event is that heterosexuals — as a group — have never faced targeted police violence or systemic discrimination on the basis of their identities as straight people. Today, LGBTQ people can be fired from their jobs or denied housing in 29 states because of who they are or who they love. A dozen states still have sodomy laws on the books, even after the 2003 US Supreme Court ruling decriminalizing homosexuality.

In contrast, no state in the US has a law punishing consensual intercourse between two heterosexual adults (who aren’t related to each other, at least).

There are many ways to counterprotest Straight Pride — like living authentically queer
While anyone is free to get angry or march in the streets over Straight Pride, Bigham says she would like to see that same energy directed back toward the LGBTQ community itself. According to Bigham, many of the young people — and even some of the older folks — that she interacts with at Trans Pride LA haven’t heard of Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, two trans activists who boldly put their lives on the line to fight for LGBTQ equality.

A recent Bospar poll attests to this lack of awareness. According to the marketing research firm Propeller Insights, only 15 percent of Americans are aware of Stonewall’s role in kickstarting the modern LGBTQ rights movement.

“That makes me sad because what makes me proud of my community is the fact that we’ve always been there,” she tells Vox. “There’s been times when we’ve been kicked and we’ve been beaten. And people like Sylvia, they got up and they screamed and they yelled and they fought. That’s what’s beautiful to me — we cannot be held down.”

Biden Ravages Easter With Transgender Perversity After Russia Adds LGBT Movement To Terrorist List.

Joe Biden Slammed For Declaring Easter Sunday Be ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ 2024 - https://rumble.com/v4ml4uk-joe-biden-slammed-for-declaring-easter-sunday-be-trans-day-of-visibility-20.html

Joe Biden Slammed For Declaring Easter Sunday Be ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ 2024 "He/She/They/Ze Is Risen!” Critics Ripped President Biden Saturday For Proclaiming March 31 2024 Easter Sunday This Year Easter Falls On Transgender Day Of Visibility And GOD In The Bible Could Be Considered As Hate Speech.

“I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., Your Pedophile President Of The United States Of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility,” the White House announced Friday.

“I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination against all transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people.”

Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump called Biden’s announcement which was simply a formality since the day has been in place since 2009 and always falls on March 31 2024 part of the “administration’s years-long assault on the Christian faith.” The White House proclaimed Transgender Day of Visibility is to fall on Easter Sunday, 2024.

Biden Said Proclaiming Transgender Visibility Day Is Above GOD On Easter Sunday - https://rumble.com/v4mkzwu-biden-said-proclaiming-transgender-visibility-day-is-above-god-on-easter-su.html

The separation of church and state in the United States is a doctrine derived from the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which prohibits coercion in religious matters and the expectation to support a religion against one's will. Citizens are free to embrace or reject a faith, and support for religion must be voluntary, and all religions are equal in the eyes of the law with no special preference or favoritism. Although the words "separation of church and state" do not appear in the First Amendment, the establishment clause was intended to separate church from state, but not religion from politics or public life. The conservative-majority U.S. Supreme Court has chipped away at the wall separating church and state in a series of new rulings, eroding American legal traditions intended to prevent government officials from promoting any particular faith. Separation of church and state refers to the attempt to keep government from influencing religion and religion from influencing government to the greatest extent possible, given the complexities of both.

“We call on Joe Biden’s failing campaign and White House to issue an apology to the millions of Catholics and Christians across America who believe tomorrow is for one celebration only the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” said Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s national press secretary.

Christian academics also scoffed at the announcement.

“In my expert theological opinion, Mr. Biden has repeatedly demonstrated that he’s far more committed to the progressive faith than the Catholic one,” Chad C. Pecknold, a professor of theology at Catholic University told The Post.

"The decision touched on different aspects of freedom of religion and concluded that the Bible could not be considered as hate speech. The court is clear that Bible passages, biblical beliefs and the principles derived from those beliefs can be legally and reasonably advanced in in public discourse.

Governor Kathy Hochul today issued a proclamation declaring March 31, 2024 Transgender Day of Visibility, celebrating the trans community in New York State and across the country. The Governor also announced that New York State landmarks will be lit light pink, white and light blue tomorrow, March 31, in celebration of Transgender Day of Visibility.

“Today we celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility by acknowledging the contributions that members of the transgender community have made in New York State and across the country,” Governor Hochulsaid. “I am proud of the strength transgender New Yorkers display every day and want to make one thing clear: you are always welcome in New York. You are loved.”

Commentary: Trans Day of Visibility falls on Easter this year, and LGBTQ+ people need ‘a resurrection moment’

Every year, Trans Day of Visibility is recognized on March 31. In 2024, Easter falls on the same date. Reflecting on this overlap, the United Church of Christ’s Minister for Gender and Sexuality Justice Ministries, Rachael Ward, offers a commentary on the significance of Easter this year for LGBTQ+ people — and trans and non-binary people in particular.

Trans Day of Visibility (TDOV) rests within Easter this year, and LGBTQ+ people need a resurrection moment where death does not have the word and love transcends hate.

A beyond shocking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting the Federal Financial Monitoring Service (ROSFINMONITORING) expanded its designation of persons and organizations deemed to be involved in extremist activities or terrorism to include the international LGBT social movement and its structural units, says yesterday they revealed two managers from an LGBT nightclub in the central part of the country have been added to its register of persons deemed to be involved in extremist activities or terrorism—a revelation joined with the news: “The ruling Georgian Dream party proposed legislation on 25 March to significantly crack down on LGBTQ+ rights in the country, in a move that analysts compared to similar laws passed in Russia”.

While the free world moves to protect itself from demonic socialist Western colonial sexual perversity, this report notes, it was stunningly revealed this past week: “The executive arm of the U.S. intelligence community, which includes the CIA and several top military spy agencies, recently circulated a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) newsletter that features a secret agent who reveals he is a cross-dresser”—a stunning revelation followed by the bleak observation: “Inflation and other factors related to the U.S. economy continue to wreak havoc on Americans, and the price of Easter essentials, including eggs, chocolate and candy, remains at near-historic highs”—all of which was joined by the beyond all belief horrifying news: “The White House banned children from submitting religious-themed Easter egg designs at the annual event for American military families”.

With Orthodox Easter, also called Pascha and Resurrection Sunday, being the oldest and most important festival in the Eastern Christian tradition, celebrating Jesus Christ’s resurrection (rising from the grave) following his crucifixion and death, that forms the basis of Christian faith as it demonstrates Jesus to be the Son of God, and symbolizes his conquest of death, this report continues, in Western Christianity the date of Easter is based on the Gregorian calendar and can fall between 22 March and 25 April, while the Eastern Christian tradition bases its calculations of Orthodox Easter on the Julian calendar, which differs from the Gregorian calendar by 13 days—this results in a possible date range of 4 April to 8 May, however, both Western and Eastern churches agree that Easter should be celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, but always after Passover—and while Eastern and Western churches will both celebrate Easter on 20 April in 2025, this year the Eastern church will celebrate Easter on 5 May while the Western church celebrates it on 31 March.

Instead of celebrating Jesus Christ’s resurrection, this report details, demented and deranged Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden demonically ravaged Easter and all American Christians with the proclamation: “Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans: You are loved...You are heard...You are understood...You belong...You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back...NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility”.

In quick response to Socialist Leader Biden demonically ravaging Easter with transgender perversity, this report notes, top Republican Party leader House Speaker Mike Johnson posted the message: “The Biden White House has betrayed the central tenet of Easter — which is the resurrection of Jesus Christ...Banning sacred truth and tradition—while at the same time proclaiming Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day”—is outrageous and abhorrent...The American people are taking note”—shortly after which the campaign office of President Donald Trump issued the statement: “It is appalling and insulting that Joe Biden’s White House prohibited children from submitting religious egg designs for their Easter Art Event, and formally proclaimed Easter Sunday as ‘Trans Day of Visibility’...Sadly, these are just two more examples of the Biden Administration’s years-long assault on the Christian faith...We call on Joe Biden’s failing campaign and White House to issue an apology to the millions of Catholics and Christians across America who believe tomorrow is for one celebration only — the resurrection of Jesus Christ”.

Also responding to Socialist Leader Biden’s demonic ravaging of Easter to promote sexual perversity, this report concludes, was world-renowned Christian leader Reverend Franklin Graham, who posted the warning message: “President Biden has declared tomorrow—Easter Sunday—as “Transgender Day of Visibility”...This once again shows how little respect President Biden and his administration have for God...On the most significant day of the Christian calendar, when the Church around the world celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ who died and shed His blood for the sins of mankind, the Biden administration uses this opportunity to flaunt sin, to glorify sin, and to celebrate sin...The Bible says, “…they proclaim their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them!” (Isaiah 3:9)...Judgment is coming...Instead of celebrating sin, we need to confess our sins, repent of our sins, and ask for God’s forgiveness”.

Secret Pedophile's Watch Child Beauty Pageant Glitter Girls Age 4 Thru 8 Yrs. Old - https://rumble.com/v36e1uw-secret-pedophiles-watch-child-beauty-pageant-glitter-girls-age-4-thru-8-yrs.html

Ritual Child Sacrifice Is Alive and Well in 21st Century America In this nation, children's body parts are sacrificed for witchcraft and food too.

Disney Pedophile's Branson Necker Island 40 Miles To Epstein Orgy Island Global Elite - https://rumble.com/v2dim5k-disney-pedophiles-branson-necker-island-40-miles-to-epstein-orgy-island-glo.html - Disney Cruise Charged Kids $75 To Visit Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' A Disney owned and operated a cruise line in the Caribbean offered a snorkeling trip for children to Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “Pedophile Island” for years.

Pedophile and A Pizza Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Evidence - https://rumble.com/v2bbfv2-pedophile-and-a-pizza-secret-human-trafficking-and-child-sex-ring-evidence-.html - Of course it's possible that the only Pedophile using these words and their kid sex friends. It may be their own private language.

Male to Female Sex Reassignment Surgery Live ** Very Graphic ** Think Twice Guys - https://rumble.com/v2hpw3e-male-to-female-sex-reassignment-surgery-live-very-graphic-think-twice-guys-.html

WoW This Looks Fun Lady's Keyhole Top Surgery For Female to Male Transgender -

New Mandate Law To Force All U.S.A. Female To Get Sex Genital Mutilation Survivors - https://rumble.com/v2hjog8-new-mandate-law-to-force-all-u.s.a.-female-to-get-sex-genital-mutilation-su.html

UN Report Calls For Decriminalization Of Sex Between Adults/Children Age 8+Up - https://rumble.com/v2qo62c-un-report-calls-for-decriminalization-of-sex-between-adultschildren-age-8-u.html

Extreme Plastic Surgeries - 6-Foot-Wide Bum & More Stories - https://youtu.be/l1OUhdWZX5Y -
From a woman with a six-foot booty to a man who wants to be Britney, they all love surgery.

The Report Was Released In March 2023
The UN report in question was released on 8 March 2023 by UNAIDS. You can download a PDF copy to read for yourself.


Creepy Pedophile's Uncle Joe Played Out Over 33 Million Dollars Sexual Assault Claims - https://rumble.com/v2rp4bc-creepy-pedophiles-uncle-joe-played-out-over-33-million-dollars-sexual-assau.html

This Is Real Information From New World Order Today.

Reports suggest that the government has lost track of 85,000 sex slave and migrant children, and some of them are dead now and many have been forced into sex labor in the U.S. The Biden administration has allowed 250,000 and sold unaccompanied minors to cross the southern border in the last two years, and at least 85,000+ of these children have gone missing under their watch real numbers are closer to 132,000+ sold by U.S.A. Government. The Biden Pedophile's Administration has been accused of killing and rape children presiding over the abuse of these unaccompanied minors in federal facilities for years, and local communities are left in the dark about the minors' length of stay or their fate once released. Congress is investigating this issue, and hearings are expected to be part of a series of congressional efforts.

Drugs alcohol total insanity. Raped, bitten, lit on fire, beat up, guns to my head and knives to my throat and left for dead. It's a life that just gradually happened to me and then it was the norm. I was able to switch off emotions whenever I needed to. I had a madam for years until I went out on my own. Lived that life for 20 years. Thank God I survived. Now I am a proud woman in recovery and I wouldn't change a thing about my past. I get her totally.

Prostitute-Bonafide - https://youtu.be/khNvDx2-0UA?si=6iUrjnPEi0gYtIkl - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of bonafide, a prostitute from South Central Los Angeles.

Ku Klux Klan Member interview-Steven - https://youtu.be/WN6Sb4SrK4c?si=LWu9E2BfPdommVMk - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Steven, an Imperial Wizard of the Mississippi White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

Ladyboys (Thai Trans Prostitutes)-Natty and Muk - https://youtu.be/bfGJ2_QUkbI?si=NETOCKuA6e7_b9jG - Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Natty and Muk, transgender prostitutes in Bangkok, Thailand.

Soft White Underbelly Intro Video's Over 1,800+ Video's & Over 1 Billion Views - https://rumble.com/v4i2tmq-soft-white-underbelly-intro-videos-over-1800-videos-and-over-1-billion-view.html - Great Job To Video Maker Mark Laita, A Filmmaker and Photographer in Los Angeles, Will Share A Curated Collection of “Soft White Underbelly.

All Hunter Biden Sex Crime Report On My Laptop Missing 100s Prostitutes Body's - https://rumble.com/v4hir8u-all-hunter-biden-sex-crime-report-on-my-laptop-missing-100s-prostitutes-bod.html - Hunter Biden Sex Crime Report On My Laptop Missing 100s Missing Or Dead Prostitutes Body Etc.

Pedophile Joe Biden Said About His Son Hunter Biden Is A Parasitic Monsters - https://rumble.com/v4hhtyk-pedophile-joe-biden-said-about-his-son-hunter-biden-is-a-parasitic-monsters.html - Pedophile Joe Biden Said About His Sick Son Hunter Biden Is A Parasitic Monsters Literally and Predatory Sociopath is Feeding Off 9.6 Million Dead Or Children Gone Missing Each Year Around World.

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Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated People Will Threaten The Live Of Vaccinated People? - https://rumble.com/v2qf2nk-pandemic-of-the-unvaccinated-people-will-threaten-the-live-of-vaccinated-pe.html

You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments - https://rumble.com/v2kq5mw-you-will-never-trust-another-celebrity-after-watching-this-corrupt-u.s.a.-g.html

Maxine Waters, Antifa-BLM, God Bless America's Blacks Killing Blacks Candace Owen - https://rumble.com/v3bvmo1-maxine-waters-antifa-blm-god-bless-americas-blacks-killing-blacks-candace-o.html

Why Federal Police, State Police, Local Police Some Are Bad This Federal Propaganda - https://rumble.com/v2ndh2g-why-federal-police-state-police-local-police-some-are-bad-this-federal-prop.html

Why Are Police In The USA So Terrified? What’s the difference between Federal Police, State Police, and Local Police? This video will answer that question for you!

We The People Of The New World Order Year Zero Thank You Let's Stop All Wars Now - https://rumble.com/v3omcs3-we-the-people-of-the-new-world-order-year-zero-thank-you-lets-stop-all-wars.html

U.S.A. Drug Enforcement Administration & Department of Justice With Help From FBI & CIA & Local Police And Sheriff Dept. All Over U.S.A. Our Killing Thousands America Citizens Right Now Today. No One Is A Missing Person At All. If You Get Pulled Over By Police States In A Car Or Truck With Money You Have A 20% Change You Will Be Killed For The Money Or Sold As A Sex Slave. This Statement Is No Joke At All... You Will Be Killed By U.S.A. Government And Yes This Is Real Information From New World Order Today.

Reports suggest that the government has lost track of 85,000 sex slave and migrant children, and some of them are dead now and many have been forced into sex labor in the U.S. The Biden administration has allowed 250,000 and sold unaccompanied minors to cross the southern border in the last two years, and at least 85,000+ of these children have gone missing under their watch real numbers are closer to 132,000+ sold by U.S.A. Government. The Biden Pedophile's Administration has been accused of killing and rape children presiding over the abuse of these unaccompanied minors in federal facilities for years, and local communities are left in the dark about the minors' length of stay or their fate once released. Congress is investigating this issue, and hearings are expected to be part of a series of congressional efforts.

U.S.A. Government & Police States Are Seizing Tens Of Billions U.S. Money And Killing Of Thousands People Our Killed Or Missing Or Dead And All The Money Is Gone Now. Highway robbery with badges. That is what Empyreal Logistics, a national armored car company, has been the victim of multiple times within the last year. Five times, drivers with the company have been pulled over for flimsy reasons with officers seizing the cash they were transporting on behalf of customers a total of three times.

Per DOA-DOJ-FBI-CIA-Etc. Every U.S.A. Person Or America Citizens Right Now Today As of Oct 2023 Need To Be In Jail Or Pay $$$ Fines Now. Per federal and local agencies. All The America People Break The Law Ave. 3 Times Everyday with A Ave. Fine of $512 dollars a day. it add up to 512 x 365 days a year add up to $186,880 Dollars per year in fines per person right now. also federal and local agencies issue an average of 27 rules for every law over the past decade.

However, the rules issued in a given year are typically not substantively related to the current year’s laws, as agency output represents ongoing implementation of earlier legislation. According to a 2020 article, the more than 300,000+ laws and regulatory crimes on the federal law books serve little purpose other than inviting arbitrary enforcement by providing prosecutors the tools to charge nearly anyone with violating some long-forgotten regulation and pay the fines now or go to jail for everyone in the U.S.A..

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