2 years ago2023! What is around the corner for the U.S. and the World?Delora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
1 year agoTHE GATHERING at SOLOMON'S PORCH - 04/16/2023 - GUESTS: Donna and John RigneyDelora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
1 year agoIs there a Limit to God's Mercy? Special Guest: Janet CampoDelora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
2 years agoBOOMERANG UPDATE!! What happened this past week? What can we expect from next week?Delora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
3 years agoDELORA OBRIEN: THE WAR IS ON AND WE ARE WINNING! Miracles, Airlines, Starbucks, Trump Flip Flop!Vanquisher
1 year agoWhere Will You Find Jesus? Special Guest: Carmine AzzatoDelora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
2 years agoFAB FIVE - UNDERSTANDING OUR ENEMY! LET'S UNMASK HIM!!!Delora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
2 years agoMONEY MONEY MONEY! What Does the Future Hold for our Security!?Delora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
2 years agoIs All Empowerment From God? Choices Will Be Vital in 2023!Delora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
1 year agoSpecial Resurrection Day Solomon's Porch - Follow Me - 4/9/2023Delora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
1 year agoTHE GATHERING at SOLOMON'S PORCH - 05/01/2023 - GUESTS: Tony and Janet CampoDelora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
1 year ago10 PERSON ROUNDTABLE! D-Day for the Devil and Gathering Updates!Delora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
1 year agoFAB FIVE! SLEIGHT OF HAND! WHAT IS REAL? MASTERS OF ILLUSION!Delora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
1 year agoPerson, Purpose, Power, Presence of the Holy Spirit - Special Guest: Tony CampoDelora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
2 years agoWhat Christmas Presents Were We Given This Past Week?!?Delora OBrien - The GatheringVerified
1 year agoFAB FOUR!! WE ARE IN A WAR! LEARN THE WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE!!!Delora OBrien - The GatheringVerified