Jack Doherty Got Exposed Big Time..

11 months ago

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0:00 - Intro
2:13 - How this started
6:42 - Matt accuses Keemstar of being paid off
15:15 - Jack responds to the Ireland Boys podcast episode
17:29 - Matt responds to Jack
19:55 - Matt shows texts between him and Mckinley
22:13 - Mckinley's Response to Matt
28:24 - Matt's interview on TheJoker's stream (Wild allegations)
29:23 - Jack (allegedly) treats his employees terribly
32:53 - Matt unearths Jack's (alleged) crimes
38:05 - Jack's (alleged) drug abuse
39:46 - The 17 y.o. allegations
43:08 - Clarification on the (alleged) SA
45:39 - Jack & his friends won't say who got r worded
49:01 - Conclusion
50:16 - DramaAlert is terrible
52:08 - Ending
52:41 - Outro

TheJoker’s Stream: https://kick.com/video/9732a400-cb64-48f2-bcff-39e4b552502c


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