The Devil's Partner (1961 Full Movie) | Horror | Summary: An old man sells his soul to the devil, and turns into a young man. He then uses witchcraft and black magic to win a woman from his rival.
Invasion of the Saucer Men (1957 Full Movie) | Summary: Diminutive aliens run into teenage opposition when their invasion plans land them in a rural lovers' lane.
Alien Trespass (2009 Full Movie) [A Comedy That Mocks Sci-Fi B Films of the 1950's] | Dir.: R.W. Goodwin; Cast: Eric McCormack, Jenni Baird, Robert Patrick.
Dark City [Trailer] (1998) | Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City". How The Demiurge Hijacks You, Perpetuating an Inorganic Matrix! (Full Movie Linked in the Description Below)
Sway – Jennifer Connelly (Musical Selection) | WE in 5D: Before "The Matrix" There Was "Dark City" (1998). How The Demiurge Hijacks You, Perpetuating an Inorganic Matrix! (Full Movie Linked in the Description Below)
Beyond the Time Barrier (1960 Full Movie) [COLORIZED] | Summary: An experimental pilot testing a rocket-powered craft finds himself in the future, where he discovers a society completely devastated by a plague.