Does the WHO deserve our trust? The evidence we found points to “no”

1 year ago

Does the WHO deserve our trust? The evidence we found points to “no.” From its baffling choice of Director-General to how it gains its funding and prioritizes its expenditures, what we uncover calls their assumed authority into question.

As you continue to hear updates on our international institutions and their efforts to acquire more power, such as through the WHO Pandemic Treaty, remember the words of Juvenal, an ancient Roman satirist: “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” which translates to: “Who will watch the watchers?”

Whether our “watchers” are our government, leaders, media, fact-checkers, or anyone else with power over the people and little-to-no accountability, it’s our solemn duty to keep our eyes open.

This clip is from Plandemic 2. You can stream & download all three Plandemic movies on our website:

Please share if you care!

Mikki Willis


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