1. Baccarat Live - 59 units won in 49 minutes with 52.3% hit rate and 11 unit drawdown

    Baccarat Live - 59 units won in 49 minutes with 52.3% hit rate and 11 unit drawdown

  2. Live Baccarat - LCSD set to 5 - 10 units won in 33 minutes with 52.3 % hit rate with 8 unit drawdown

    Live Baccarat - LCSD set to 5 - 10 units won in 33 minutes with 52.3 % hit rate with 8 unit drawdown

  3. Baccarat Live - 386 units won in 70 minutes with 44.8% hit rate and 446 unit drawdown

    Baccarat Live - 386 units won in 70 minutes with 44.8% hit rate and 446 unit drawdown

  4. Live Baccarat - 207 units won in 50 minutes with 60.6% hit rate and 1 unit drawdown

    Live Baccarat - 207 units won in 50 minutes with 60.6% hit rate and 1 unit drawdown

  5. Baccarat Live - 150 units won in 52 minutes with 51% hit rate and 78 unit drawdown

    Baccarat Live - 150 units won in 52 minutes with 51% hit rate and 78 unit drawdown

  6. Beginners Guide for Microsoft Excel Protection

    Beginners Guide for Microsoft Excel Protection

  7. Row Function in Excel #Row

    Row Function in Excel #Row

  8. Trade Scalper 3- Day Challenge (Day 1) Can this Price Action Method Win Three Day in a Row?

    Trade Scalper 3- Day Challenge (Day 1) Can this Price Action Method Win Three Day in a Row?

  9. Excel Hack: Copy Formula Without Changing Cell References (or Without File References)

    Excel Hack: Copy Formula Without Changing Cell References (or Without File References)

  10. How to use formula reference in excel | #03 إتعلم حيل إكسل مع دكسلو 🇹🇳

    How to use formula reference in excel | #03 إتعلم حيل إكسل مع دكسلو 🇹🇳

  11. How To Populate The Numbers And Names From One Column to Another Column In Excel.

    How To Populate The Numbers And Names From One Column to Another Column In Excel.

  12. Trading (Day 2) Trade Scalper 3-day Challenge Can the System Make Profit 3 Days in a Row?

    Trading (Day 2) Trade Scalper 3-day Challenge Can the System Make Profit 3 Days in a Row?
