1 year agoATF vs FFLs: 3 Ways ATF Close Gun Stores and a Whole Lot More with Michael Kwiatkowski, FFL ExpertTom Grieve
1 year agoAR15+Semi Automatic Crisis: Largest Gun Ban in History Potentially? Supreme Court Garland v CargilTom Grieve
1 year agoUse THIS Carrier: Cut Gun Theft 66%! USPS vs. UPS vs. FedEx, Mailing Handguns, Rifles, ShotgunsTom Grieve
10 months agoGUN SEIZED by cops, court says inside car is public space! What is going on in Minnesota?!Tom Grieve
10 months agoSUPREME COURT + ATF + VanDerStok: Here we GO! Frame Receiver Rule Scotus Garland Ghost Gun and PMFsTom Grieve
1 year agoMOST ASKED: Carry at Church with a School? CCW Firearms + Guns in Temple, Synagogue, MosqueTom Grieve
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1 year ago3 HOURS - 28 COMMERCIAL PILOTS CONFIRMING FLAT EARTH, Flat Earth, Banjo, USA, Japan & Brazil AS WELLAetherMedia22 Tony Punch