1 year agoDestruction of the Earth's population through the poisoning of water, sweets and vaccines.Alex7Tumanov
10 months ago191: Pt. 1 Drawn to God by the Supernatural | Rod Smith on Spirit-Centered Business™SpiritCenteredBusiness
2 years agoNT Church - by Robert Gessner, The church is financed by free will offerings.Christian Writings
2 years agoNT Church - by Robert Gessner, There is no division between clergy and laity.Christian Writings
2 years agoNT Church - by Robert Gessner, The teaching is based on the truth of God's Word.Christian Writings
2 years agoNT Church - by Robert Gessner, Open sin within the congregation is judged.Christian Writings
1 year agoGenesis 6 -Destroying the Christian myth - The Apostles Creed. Compare Gen 6:1-3 & 1 Peter 3:18-20Paul's Letter to the Romans
2 years agoNT Church - by Robert Gessner, There is liberty for the exercise of gifts by the Holy Spirit.Christian Writings
2 years agoThe Great Mystery Revealed: The Crimson Worm Of Psalm 22. Tola'at Shani Is The Hebrew Word For It.georgecrabb