從中國封鎖到世界!2010年共濟會文件: 預告了鎖國-封鎖邊境的步驟與場景!由中國開始,以至全世界!Rockefeller Foundation in 2020 : Blockade will happen suddenly and immediately! Start from China, and then to the world
90%人類都是無用的吃貨,魔鬼將要殺死九成的勞動人口!滅絕人類的名單已出爐!Zelenko澤連科博士(去世前的警告) "90% of human beings are useless eaters, and the devil will kill 90% of the working population!
為什麼有人苗後死,有人暫時無事?內部人員透露: 有三種不同的實驗針劑含毒份量型號!Why some died but some still alive? Three different types of experimental injections containing toxic amounts of models