Dr. Sherri TenPenny testimony: HB248 (Vaccine Choice/Anti Discrimination Act) And Magnetic shots 😱

1 year ago

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨MUST WATCH💯🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

Dr. Sherri TenPenny testimony:
HB248 (Vaccine Choice/Anti Discrimination Act)
And Magnetic shots😱

Speaks of how people are magnetic after “vaccine” BioWeapon (ID2020)
Thanks Bill 😡

How the people vaccinated are “shedding” and making the Unvaccinated people sick

The medical board stripped her license, even though she said these are just thoughts and theories because nobody knows this was in June 2021
We now know what really is going on and I’m going to post another video of Dr. TenPenny explaining how it’s no longer a thought

But proven fact!!!

🚨🚨Also Proof that people are 💯% magnetic🚨🚨:

Lady gets up to speak and shows she is magnetic by putting a key to her chest and they bobbing pin to her neck.

She then looks around and asks can anybody explain it or do they have any questions

Case closed


Other 🚨IMPORTANT🚨Vaccine Information And Videos

The New Zealand M.O.A.R. Covid-19 Vaccine Data Set:

The New Zealand M.O.A.R. Covid-19 Vaccine Data Set Resource Page

Download a copy of The New Zealand M.O.A.R. Database here:

M.O.A.R.-related videos:

Alex Jones Interviews New Zealand Whistleblower Barry Young, Along With Steve Kirsch & Liz Gunn

"If There Is A Problem, How The Hell Are We Going To Know If People Don't Do Their Job..."

Reference: Deaths Following C-19 Vaccination

New Zealand Doctors Discuss M.O.A.R. Covid-19 Vaccine Data Set

New Zealand Whistleblower Barry Young, Who Released Damning COVID-19 Vaccine Data To The World, Appears In Court

New Zealand Police Are Raiding Home Of Whistleblower Who Leaked Covid-19 Vaccine Mortality Data!

Jimmy Dore Interviews Steve Kirsch About New Zealand Whistleblower & The Damning NZ Vaccine Data

Andrew Bridgen Is Told Damning New Zealand Vaccine Report 'Has Been Debunked Around The World'

Andrew Bridgen, Liz Gunn, Barry Young Discuss The New Zealand M.O.A.R. Covid-19 Vaccine Data Set

Must Watch! Steve Kirsch Presents Record-Level COVID-19 Vaccine Data From 3 Countries

Liz Gunn: The Mother Of All [COVID-19 Vaccine] Revelations (Data Revealed In This Video)

Liz Gunn Update: "I saw potentially 400 deaths linked to one vaccinator. This is horrific stuff!"

Liz Gunn: The Mother Of All Revelations (Tens Of Thousands Of NZ Deaths Are Linked To COVID-19 Jabs)

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