1. Family Vlog: Our Shop is Open! Q+A with Shaun Hover, the Happy Stay-at-Home Dad

    Family Vlog: Our Shop is Open! Q+A with Shaun Hover, the Happy Stay-at-Home Dad

  2. How to Entertain a 1 Year Old (How i do it, tips, ideas + our sleep schedule for 14 month old)

    How to Entertain a 1 Year Old (How i do it, tips, ideas + our sleep schedule for 14 month old)

  3. Postpartum Workout - Movement for a happier & healthier Mom. (Simple moves to strengthen lower abs.)

    Postpartum Workout - Movement for a happier & healthier Mom. (Simple moves to strengthen lower abs.)

  4. Basic painting 101 for kids room/nursery (+ finally renovating our kids rooms! TIPS then vlog)

    Basic painting 101 for kids room/nursery (+ finally renovating our kids rooms! TIPS then vlog)

  5. Mom's Day in the Life - Running My Own Business with 3 Kids! (1YO, 2YO and 6YO and Stay at Home Dad)

    Mom's Day in the Life - Running My Own Business with 3 Kids! (1YO, 2YO and 6YO and Stay at Home Dad)

  6. EVERYTHING you need to know about parenting! (5 year old gives tips for Moms + Dads!)

    EVERYTHING you need to know about parenting! (5 year old gives tips for Moms + Dads!)

  7. Tips for sibling room sharing! (My 5 year old + 1 year old share a room now! How we do it!)

    Tips for sibling room sharing! (My 5 year old + 1 year old share a room now! How we do it!)

  8. Pregnancy for Dads!! (Everything Dad needs to know about pregnancy!) *WATCH TO THE END

    Pregnancy for Dads!! (Everything Dad needs to know about pregnancy!) *WATCH TO THE END

  9. Baby Fever VLOG (Am I having another baby? Son's First Hair cut! + Baby weans herself 😭 )

    Baby Fever VLOG (Am I having another baby? Son's First Hair cut! + Baby weans herself 😭 )
