Javier Milei | Why Is Javier Milei Listed As A Member On the World Economic Forum Website? Visit the Website HERE: https://www.weforum.org/people/javier-gerardo-milei/
Bo Polny | Wo w/ Bo (Part 7) | Is the Writing On the Wall for the Petrodollar? Is the U.S. Dollar Out of Gas? BRICS Pay Is Online, Kim Clement Prophecies + James DOES NOT Have Monkeypox, So We Aren't Going to Be Talking About It On Today's Show!
Elon Musk | Ilina Singh Speaking At World Economic Forum On "When Humans Become Cyborgs." | "Being Wired Into the Internet. We Have to Solve the Wiring Problem, So There Are People like Elon Musk Who Are Working On Closed Loop Systems."
Mike Lindell | Mike Lindell & Clay Clark Share Their 3-Year Journey Together On Mission to Save America from The Great Reset Agenda: Being De-Banked, Being Canceled By Media, Having Countless Venues & Vendors Cancel Them, Law-Fare & More
Elon Musk | "Go F$%& Yourself." - Elon Musk (November 30th 2023) + What Percentage of American Conservatives Men Would Be Willing to Have Elon Musk's Baby?!
Dollar Collapse | Did the Petrodollar Just Collapse As the Digital Chinese Digital Yuan Was Used for the FIRST TIME EVER to Settle a Crude Oil Transaction with Saudi Arabia? De-Dollarization Is HERE!!!
Kim Clement | Kim Clement Prophecies + An Interview w/ Jane & Donné Clement Petruska | Trump Shall Become a Trumpet, I Will Put At Your Helm for Two Terms a President That Will Pray, A Man By the Name of Mr. Clark & Will America ReAwaken In Time?
General Flynn, Eric Trump, Jim Breuer & the ReAwaken Tour Head to Tulare, California (December 15th & 16th) + 514 Tickets Remain | Request Tickets At: TimeToFreeAmerica.com & Via Text At 918-851-
Elon Musk & Klaus Schwab | Why Do Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab, Xi Jinping & Yuval Noah Harari Agree On the Following? Universal Basic Income, mRNA Under the Skin, Carbon Footprint Tracking & Connecting Brains to the Internet
Revelation | The Great Reset's Connection to the Book of Revelation, Daniel, Famine, Hyper-Inflation, CRISPR, CERN, mRNA-Modifying Nano-Technology, BRICS & Yuval Noah Harari (SEE SHOW DESCRIPTION)
Iran | It's Not Laughing Matter, But Is Iran Laughing At Us? On Thursday (November 2nd 2023), Iran Is Becoming Chair of the U.N. Human Rights Council!!! | Why Is the Islamic Regime In Iran Becoming Chair of the United Nations Human
De-Dollarization | It's Moving Quickly Now!!! Why Is China Selling Its U.S. Treasuries? + Why Is the U.S. Debt Interest Soon to Become the U.S. Government's Largest Expense?
BRICS | "BRICS PAY HAS BEEN LAUNCHED. This New Financial Settlement Platform Is Going to Change the Volume of Trade & the Volume of Transactions Between the BRICS Members. Those Transactions Will Not Be Denominated In U.S. Dollars."