Seek until you find it (The lost coin, Luke 15:8-10)

1 year ago

Seek until you find it (The lost coin, Luke 15:8-10)
Have you ever lost something, and you could just not rest until you find it? Maybe you house and car keys, your wallet or purse, or something else of great value. I know personally it can be very frustrating to not know where something crucial in your life is and you cannot find it, especially if it has to do with you finances. You do not want your bank card, credit card, or personal information missing so someone can empty your accounts or possible steal your identity. In the parable of the lost coin Jesus continues to explain to those whom he is speaking exactly how the Kingdom of God works by telling of a woman who has ten pieces of silver. Jesus said that she loses one piece of the ten and this puts her into a panic mode of seeking for what was lost. The parable says that she will light a candle and diligently seek her home for the coin until she finds it. The reason that she was willing to take so much time and effort to seek for one coin is because it had great value to her, we are willing to seek for something that we value but not so much for the things we do not value.
Jesus had just finished telling the parable of the shepherd who was willing to leave the nine-nine sheep to go and find the one wandering sheep. He must have really wanted to drive home the point that the Kingdom of God values everyone and is willing to diligently pursue those lost and straying from God. God’s willingness to pursue the wayward shows how much He values all His creation not just those who value and desire a relationship with Him. It does not really say the financial condition of the woman who lost the coin but from the way she reacted one would think that ten pieces of silver was probably all that she had to her name. She passionately sought to restore to herself something that she did not want to live without and something that caused her sorrow knowing it was missing. God does not need any of us, but this parable lets us know that despite this fact He greatly treasures all of us and desire a relationship with us all. We must understand that Jesus was speaking to the people of Israel who had strayed from a true relationship with their Father, but it is not a stretch to say that He fills the same about those outside of the Jewish faith as well. We can see all through the letters of Paul to the Gentile churches that God values and seeks a relationship with them all His creation.

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