FOC Show: WHAT IS GOING ON? Kelly Meggs, January 6, Joy Behar, Fox News, Target - Breanna Morello; Why Does the Christian Army Tend to Shoot Fellow Soldiers? - Jackson Lahmeyer
Yuval Noah Harari | "Dictatorships Will Be More Efficient Than Democracies. Democracy Defeated Fascism & Communism Because Democracy Was Better At Processing Data and Making Decisions"
Yuval Noah Harari | Banking | "The Algorithm Said Don't Give This Person a Loan. The Algorithm Goes Over Enormous Amounts of Data and Finds Patterns of Reliable and Unreliable People."
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Saying, "If We Have a New Technology That Makes It Easier for Governments & Corporations to Follow Us and Monitor Us and to Collect Data On Us That Is Fine?"