General Thomas McInerney, Speaking at the White House January 8, 2021

1 year ago

Lt General Thomas McInerney reveals censored plans regarding the election, Covid & more.

"High Treason" General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the White House January 8 2021: "Comey Sold Hammer and Scorecard system to the Chinese" Communist Party. Confirms Italian/Leonardo Involvement, and Pelosi's Laptop. "Source talking like a songbird".

>established video, digital, and geo data of physical mail in ballot fraud.

>upwards of over 1 million fraudulent votes injected in the middle of the night into vote counting machines.

Absolute proof

>established millions of digital vote packet exchanges sent overseas, changed, and sent back stateside.

>upwards of 1 million votes documented to have lost chain of custody and were sent outside of the country.

Maricopa county forensic audit

>1 state, 1 county, upwards of 250,000+ votes that were illegally counted.

>voter rolls, digital software and hardware were also destroyed and shredded (each case a felony) before being given to forensic auditors.

Hammer and Scorecard

>Lt. General Thomas Mclnerny on Nov. 2, 2020 reveals CIA software that changes votes in real time during elections.

>admits that CIA used the programs in during multiple coups in foreign countries around the world.

>terms “hammer” and “scorecard” were censored via social media for the next week.

This is how they do it. This is how they are able to retain power in the digital age. Spread the word to normies. The Hammer is about to drop.

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