10 months agoEpisode #24 DAD SPECIAL w/ Thom Hosler!! Influencers, Catholic Leaders, Politicians. Are "Harlotans"The Trying Not To Lose It Show
1 year agoFeatures of Karnataka Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe Prohibition of Transfer of Certain Land Act.minakshilawclasses
1 year agoAll lands are liable to pay land revenue unless specially exempted. Explain Land Law KLE KSLU LLBminakshilawclasses
1 year agoWho can grant land under Karnataka Land Revenue Act? And also discuss the procedure briefly | KSLUminakshilawclasses
1 year agoNarrate the provisions relating to ceiling on landholdings under Karnataka Land Reforms Act | KSLUminakshilawclasses
1 year agoExplain the provisions for cultivation of uncultivated land under Karnataka Land Reforms Act 1961minakshilawclasses
1 year agoAttempt to Commit Offences CRIMINAL LAW 1 Indian Penal Code onlineclass for LL.B. students KSLU KLEminakshilawclasses
1 year agoCriminal Trespass CRIMINAL LAW 1 Indian Penal Code online live coaching for LL.B. students KSLU KLEminakshilawclasses
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1 year agoExplain the exclusive jurisdiction of Revenue Courts under the Karnataka Land Revenue Act 1964.minakshilawclasses
1 year agoExplain the provisions regarding cooperative farms under Karnataka Land Reforms Act | KSLU | KSLUminakshilawclasses
1 year agoDiscuss provisions relating to Regulatory Authority - Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Actminakshilawclasses
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2 years agoBlack 9th Grader charged for slamming 11yo White Child on his head for a vid to post online! 🤕📱🐒MAGA Lion HAT