Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "You Got Introduced (On The View) As Our Friend Donald Trump. They Were All Talking About How You Might Be Conservative In Your Financial Positions, But Very Liberal Socially."
Mpox | Monkeypox | "The Emergency Committee Met & Advised Me That In Its View, the Situation Constitutes a Public Emergency of International Concern." - Tedros (8/15/24) | Chimpanzee Adenovirus In Vaccines?
Messages FOR ALL From Various Recent WE in 5D Readings: The New Self-Replicating VACCINE, New York’s SINISTER ConEd Power Plant Explosion, Timelines, What This Age of Aquarius Requires of You, and WHY the Universe is Happening FOR YOU Not to You!
Mpox | Monkeypox | "The Emergency Committee Met & Advised Me That In Its View, the Situation Constitutes a Public Emergency of International Concern." - Tedros (8/15/2024) | Astrazeneca Vaccine Contains Chimpanzee Adenovirus?