Project Looking Glass – Is it Possible to Skip Timelines?

5 months ago

Have the global cabal really been using this technology for multiple decades?

Have movies like 13 Ghosts and Contact exposed some of this technolgy?

Kryon says that 2012 was the very beginning of the shift to the New World Energy – not the new world order, that’s old dark energy, but the shift to lighter energy in which humanity begins to wake up. There is an 18 year period to this until 2030.

Project looking glass was a government operation that was used to look forward and backward in time. The device used was said to look like the device on Jodi Fosters "Contact."
"David Wilcock, per insiders he has been in contact with, claims that the device works much like the pineal gland in the human body, which is able to create a highly coherent energy vortex or torsion field under certain conditions allowing an individual to receive information by non-physical means. This is essentially describing the ability to Remote View, wherein an individual can become cognizant of objects or locations using mind-clearing techniques and theta states of consciousness."

Are timelines contracting since 2012?

Is there already an inevitable event that will occur to get everyone on the same timeline – the same wavelength?

Does this mean our consciousness is evolving and the truth is being exposed.

Yes, that’s what I believe.

I believe that the globalists believe that they need to do everything they can right now to try and manifest their desires of the future.

Do they know they have lost or do they still believe they can create their prison for humanity?

It appears they are doing everything to bring in their satanic new world order.

2030 is a key year from all my research and I imagine the next 5 to 10 years will be very turbulent.

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END. 10/7/2024 – 9:00 PM

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