Palo Mayombe, A Direct Line to the Devil, Sacrifice of Animals, Drinking of Blood + A Ceremony Involving 17 Men, John Was the Only One Left Standing at the End
Jesus Breaks People's Chains + John Ramirez Challenged Marilyn Manson, Delivered Manson's Girlfriend and Her Demon-Possessed Little Boy and Led Them Both To Christ
Quantum Financial System, Positive and Negative + Everything in Creation is The Lord's, Storehouses, Abundance, The Enemy Has Stolen it, Priests are Meant to Distribute it + Scriptures, Past, Present & Future, Israel Came Out of Bondage, Egypt
True Story Behind the Bloody 'Peasants' Revolt of 1381 against a corrupt & decaying Government. New Evidence & Details Emerge ... its wasn't just the 'peasants' it was everyone