8 days ago

Adult Material; Non-hateful, Nonviolent Solution; Nonreligious; Appeals since 2000. CONTENTS: Crimes Against Humanity, 2 Titus 3:7, Alex Jones, Mel Gibson, Jim Caviezel, Tim Ballard, Jim Carrey, Denzel Washington, Mo’nique, Katt Williams, Jaguar Wright, Ally Carter, “Irish Star” Article about Mel Gibson; Nina Joudeh, Joe Rogan Experience Podcast, Vatican, Child Abuse, Christianity, Pope Francis, Archbishop Vigano, “False Church,” Entertainment Industry, YouTube site “Paulogia,” “Braveheart,” “The Passion of The Christ,” Sonia Poulton, Andrew Gold, “Abolish the Monarchy,” US Secret Service, “Me Too Movement,” Richard Dawkins, Ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera, Islam, Bill Maher, Ben Shapiro, The American Atheists, Ricky Gervais, Eddie Izzard, YouTube site “King Wurld,” Cathy O’Brien, Jeffrey Epstein, Brice Taylor, “Thanks For The Memories,” Intergenerational Mind Control, President Gerald Ford, YouTube site “Age of Truth,” Lucas Alexander, MKUltra Mind Control, Katt Williams on “The Music Recording Network,” Jaguar Wright, YouTube sites “Donat” “EnergyOfAtlas111” “AT2” & “The Last Jedi,” Sean “Diddy” Combs, Shaun Attwood, Mental Illness, “They know not what they do,” YouTube Site “Parable – Religious History,” “The Jesuit Plan,” Ignatius of Loyola, Inquisitions, Crusades, Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, Dr. Ian Paisley, Romans 7:6, 2 Corinthians 3:6, The “dead letter” vs. Living Spirit, Interpretation “In spirit and truth,” Bill Cooper, Jordan Maxwell, John Hamer, Jack The Ripper, Queen Victoria, London Metropolitan Police, Freemasonry, Secret Societies, Ex-FBI Special Agent Ted Gunderson, The 25 Goals of the Illuminati for the New World Order & The 26 Points of the UN Agenda 2021/2030 for World Order, Avro Manhattan, Jesuit Father Stampfle, “Mein Kampf,” Adolf Hitler, Untaught meaning of “Church,” The One Law (The Law of Moses; The Great Commandment; The All of The Law), ‘Burning Bush,” “The Rule of Law,” YouTube site “Daily Motivation Channel,” Papal definition of FAS (Fascism) vs. JUS (Justice), Spectrum of Fascism, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Islam, Circumcision of the Heart, “The One Abortion,” The People of the Circumcision (‘Jews’) & The People of the Uncircumcision (‘Gentiles’), “The Chosen Ones,” Deuteronomy 10:16, Romans 2:24-26, Pharisees, Romans 2:28-29, Crucifixion of Jesus, Roman Caesareans, Revelation 2:9, “Synagogue of Satan” (NOT about a literal building or Jewish folks), Talmud, Colossians 2:9-11, “Belief in God or Christ,” Matthew 12:31-33, Matthew 15:16-20, “The Slaughter of the Innocents,” “The Enemy,” “Confession,” “Blood Sacrifice,” Hebrews 9:11-14, Knowledge of Good & of Evil, “Pray without ceasing,” Galatians 6:15, “New creature,” “Holy Grail,” Nazis, “Blood of The Christ,” “Baptism by Water,” “Dove descending,” “My cup runneth over,” Spiritual definition of “Male & Female,” Divine Feminine, Passive Nature of Desire, Divine Masculine, Actualizing Nature of Creation, “Womb Man,” “Man Child,” “Be fruitful and multiply,” Genesis 17:10-14, Psalm 90:4, “A watch in the night,” Sabbath Day, “Faith is no work,” “Workless work,” “Feminine lying with the feminine,” “Masculine lying with the Masculine,” ‘Abomination,” “Man Jesus Christ,” Solution to Homophobia, “Nephilim,” “Fallen Angel,” “Great God,’ “Giant,” “Shapeshifter,” “Sons of God,” “Daughters of men,” The ”one third” Fallen Angels, Revelation 12:4-5, “Great Red Dragon,” “Satan,” “Stars of heaven,” Daniel 12:3, “Rod of iron,” “Aliens,” “Goliath,” The False Witness, “The Tall Men,” Abraxis, Archons, The Floodmakers, “One Rabbi” or “High Priest,” Hosea 4:6, “I am what I am,” Isaiah 54:17, “Evil,” Martin Luther, “Heaven on Earth,” “Mark of the Beast,” “Narrow Gate” vs. “Wide Gate,” “Gatekeeper,” Lies by Omission, “Armageddon,” “The Second Coming,” Catholic “Eucharist Transubstantiation Ritual,” Protestant “Rapture,” “Judgment Throne,” “Seat of The Christ,” “All Eyes Shall See,” “The dead shall rise,” “The elect shall rise,” Franklin D. Roosevelt, End of Crimes Against Humanity.

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