Military Tribunals, The Lord Told Jessie that She Would Give Her Testimony, Then Jessie was Led to Federal Individuals Working with President Trump, She Gave Information to ICE about Tunnels & DUMBs + Jessie's Affidavits, Timothy Charles Holmseth
Underground Cities, Emerald City Under the Pentagon, Rainforest and a Canyon that Splits from the Dark Side Where There are Giants + A Treaty with the Giants, They Are Fed Human Flesh + Knights Templar, Massive Building Projects During 12-16th Centuries
Queen Mother Of Darkness, 5 MoDs Run the Entire System, Meet Satan Every Night, Instruct the Satanic Council + Quadrants, Grand High Priests & Priestesses, High Priests & Priestesses, Assets, Hierarchy & Expendable Kids, Chosen, Money is Made