DR. KATHERINE HORTON - Assassination Attempts on President Trump - Who Dunnit & How

1 month ago

This talk debunks the official narrative of the assassination attempts on President Donald Trump and suggests alternative leads for a genuine investigation into what happened and who was involved. PLUS an apparent attempt to take her out, which she successfully evaded only because she had a similar experience in Europe.

DR. KATHERINE HORTON is an Oxford-educated particle physicist and systems analyst with a Master of Physics (1st class) and doctorate in particle physics, both from the University of Oxford. She worked as a high energy physicist on the particle collider at the German Electronsynchrotron DESY in Hamburg, Germany, and on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva Switzerland.
She taught nuclear physics and particle physics at Hertford College, Oxford. Under unusual circumstances, Dr. Horton discovered that she had become the target of Directed Energy Weapon assaults and eventually discovered that she herself had been covertly implanted with military bio-technology and neurotechnology as a “targeted individual”.

She has been unrelenting and persevering in a campaign of scientific research, public education, and legal avenues to expose the perpetrators and protect the victims in (what turns out to be) an illicit activity of wide scope and application. See her website for detailed elaboration of her campaign on behalf of targeted individuals.

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