Elon Musk | The TRUE History of Elon Musk | Why Did Musk Change Twitter to X.com? Why Did Musk Found xAI | How Did Musk Win Over America By Saying There Are Only Two Genders & That He Believes In FREE Speech?
Liz Crokin | "This Act Is Something That Many Critics Believe Opened The Door For A Lot Of The Child Sex Trafficking That Goes On In The Foster Care System. Specifically In CPS... It Gave Financial Incentive To Remove Children From Their Homes."
Gene Ho | "I Couldn't Believe It. Donald Trump Called Me Back To The Room To Take Pictures Of The Very Important Persons, The Police Officers Who Were Guarding Him That Day."
Final ReAwaken America Tour | Selma, NC | Day Two | Clay Clark, General Flynn, Julie Green, Alex Newman, Roger Stone, Jimmy Levy, Patrick Byrne, Ann Vandersteel, Jeff Dornik