Prophet Julie Green - Many Things Will Take Place Before the Next Election - Captions

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In this message from God, he reminds his children of the intentions of their enemies, who seek to bring destruction, fear, and control. He urges them to stand strong and resist, trusting in his power and authority to see them through. He also reveals upcoming events and exposes the deceit and corruption of those in power, encouraging his followers to remain steadfast and prepared for the battles ahead.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Today’s Scriptures:
John 10:10
Prov. 3:5-6
Deut. 31:6
1 Peter 5:7
Josh. 1:9
James 4:7
2 Tim. 4:7
Eph. 6:10
Isa. 54:17
Neh. 8:10
Eph. 6:11-17
Ps. 23:4
2 Cor. 1:10
Matt. 12:25
Mark 3:25
2 Cor. 5:7
Ps. 89:14
Luke 10:19
1 Samuel 17:47
Isa. 55:11
Dan. 3:16-17, 27
Ps. 34:17-19
Ps. 91:16
Isa. 41:10
Ps. 46:1-3
Phil. 4:13
Phil. 2:10-11

Pray and plead the Blood of Jesus over your family every day. Focus on God-His strength, His wisdom, His Word. We need to persevere, press in and press through. God has been warning us, but we are not to fear. It is so important that you know how to pray. God will not fail or forsake you. Pay attention to your spirit man and what God needs and wants you to do. God is with you wherever you go. The enemy wants to deceive, distract and destroy. God leads, guides, comforts and protects. God will lead you to the right path to avoid all the enemy's traps. The enemy knows the authority you have when you resist him. Even when injustice looks like it's winning it's not. God's justice will prevail. Fight the good fight of faith. You charge the enemy by force with powerful prayer. Commanding the devil to go in the name of Jesus. Don't go by your five physical senses. God's truth of His Word destroys the power of the enemy. The enemy is putting you through test and trials, but if you have faith and trust in God, that evil has NO power over you. Fear not because there's nothing to fear.

FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real

God is your refuge and your strength.

You have the resurrection power of Jesus Christ on the inside of you and you need to tap into that.

Brace for what’s to come and rely on God’s strength because He is your Waymaker and will deliver you from all this evil.

Prophecy’s mentioned in today’s livestream regarding the collapse of a bridge:

Full Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today's Tuesday, March 26th of 2024. And I want to thank you once again for joining today's live show. Now, this morning, I'm going to start this live show a little bit differently. Because there was news. I don't know if it happened last night, but I just found out about it this morning from people all over the live chat.

So, I don't usually pay it into the live chat, but I did look at it this morning and I saw all over the live chat that there was something that happened in Baltimore. And so before we start going over the prophecy or however, the Lord wants me to do this today, I really do believe we need to start praying over all the victims in Baltimore over There was a, for those who don't know, okay, all I know was that there was a cargo ship in Baltimore that hit a bridge and the bridge completely collapsed.

The Lord has talked to us about waters. He's talked to us about cargo ships and he talks to us about bridges. And collapsing the bridges. And when I saw this this morning, I was just, you know, praying. I said, okay, Lord, how do you want me to handle it? What do you want me to do? And of course he wants us to pray about it.

Now, I don't know if this was intentional or not, but it doesn't matter. There's lives that were lost. And so our job is to pray over them. It's a pray about the situation and those families. The ones who have lost loved ones, the ones who the loved ones are missing, the workers that were trying to help people and no matter what happened with that cargo ship, whether it was intentional or not, we need to pray about the situation because God has been warning us of these things starting to happen.

And so now we're starting to see things. And God again has been saying about things are intensifying. That's why we always should be praying that we are always at the right place at the right time. Like we've had to cancel trips. More than I want to admit because the Lord said, no, don't go. And when God says, don't go, don't go.

And the reason for that is because he knows if there's danger ahead, he knows if the enemy has a trap that you don't see. And so I'm asking each and every one of you this day, Now I want to pray with me, but we also to pray together that no matter what the enemies are doing, and no matter what they have planned, no weapon formed against it shall prosper.

We need to stand and pray and unite in the name of Jesus. That's why people on their religion and their differences. And I've seen so many all over YouTube. It's just. So many, all of our social media, just trashing ministers, trashing other, other ministries and other pastors. And it's like things like this.

Things like this are happening and people are being distracted. So we have to unite and start praying against the enemy's attacks and against what he's trying to do, because God said in his word in John 10, 10, the thief comes to steal, to kill and destroy. And so what we have to do is know that we had a power and authority of the name of Jesus.

So father God, right now, in Jesus name, I lift up. All of Baltimore and that tragedy that happened on that waterway with that bridge father god I lift up every family member. I lift up every person. I lift up every worker I lift up anybody father god who is involved or who has been affected by this bridge And by this horrible situation that happened last night or early this morning father god I ask you right now in the name of jesus to give those families comfort You Who have tragically lost their loved ones.

I'm asking you, father, God, you are the prince of peace and heavenly father. I thank you right now that if this was intentional. That it is exposed in the name of Jesus Christ. Father God, I thank you right now. No, no matter what is going on with these cargo ships or bridges or waterways or whatever it is.

I thank you that the enemy's plots plan or schemes will not go as a way they plan, but heavenly father, right now, I thank you that your body is a rising and it's waking up and it's getting up and it's fighting back so hard. spiritually, that we know how to pray, that we know how to stand, that we know how to father got to fight back all of these attacks from our enemies.

But right now with everyone who's lost some money, I'm asking you, Father God, that you give them comfort. And when it doesn't look like they can be comforted at all, but we do bind that spirit of grief over all those people, Father God, that have just lost some money. I don't know how, but you are their Prince of Peace.

I don't know how you do it, Father God, but I thank you that you will get them out of that darkness and despair and the shock of what has just taken place. And thank you, Father God, that you are their strength. That you are their peace, that you are their comforter, that you are their strong tower, that you are everything that they need in this time of their life.

So I thank you, Father God, for getting them up, for protecting them, for shielding them, and for giving them strength to stand and fight another day, or giving them strength just to be a normal person, to give the family members

who have just lost somebody, Father God, be able to give them the strength to live. Just to just go and not give up and quit. I thank you, father God, that right now in Jesus, my name, that if any of those family members don't know you, that they come into the body of Christ, that they realize father God, that it wasn't you who caused any of it.

Even though I know there's many times where there's people dying and you take the blame,

but I call them into the kingdom of almighty God. And I thank you, father, God, that the enemies are not, no matter what plan they have attacks, because you've warned us of this time that none of their attacks will go the way they wanted it. And I thank you, father, God, that right now, with everyone listening that they are always at the right place at the right time.

And they will know when to go and they will know when to stay. They will know when to change course. They will know when to pivot. They will know father God, I thank you that you lead us and guide us in the right direction on where we should go. And so I thank you father God for it in Jesus name.

So there's many different prophetic words about bridges and I'm going to read one.

And this was from well, 2022, November 11th of 2022, it says another bridge will collapse and it will be in your news. This location will be important because explosive information is soon to be seen and heard by the world. There's another one.

On November 23rd of 2023, a bridge will collapse and it will be in your news, and this was no accident, and it will be exposed who did it and why. Now, again, there's many different prophecies about bridges, so I don't know if this was the one that was done intentionally or not. But we have to know that God is speaking and he's giving us warnings.

Of things to come whether they're accidental or where they are sabotaged because he has talked us He's talked to us about sabotage and the enemies are trying look what's going on in our airplanes I mean, I know the Boeing CEO just stepped down because Boeing right now is a catastrophe. We have to pray and know, and I travel all the time, you guys know that, anytime, right before you get on a plane, you better pray and plead the blood of Jesus over that plane and then it won't take off if there's anything mechanically wrong with it.

And I know sometimes we get stuck in airports and we get really stressed out and we get really upset because we're stuck in an airport because there's something wrong with our plane. We can't take off. Well, I'm glad it didn't take off. And I'm glad I found out there's something mechanically wrong with it before it took off.

Because I had it happen where something mechanically did go wrong, horrendously wrong while we were in the air and they wouldn't even let us land. And it was a very horrible situation that we were in, in that plane. But, we got back down on the ground safely. So again, we need to pray about anytime we leave our homes, anytime we go somewhere.

Even if it's vacations, even if it's fun family trips we really want to go on. If God, if you're getting anything in your spirit and God says don't, don't do it. And again, we've had to cancel a lot of things and just recently we canceled a trip for next week that we were supposed to go on. God said no, don't go.

So we didn't. We have to have, we have to understand and let God be our center focus. We have to be God inside minded and knowing that the greater one lives on the inside of us. And if he's telling us to do something, even though it's like, Oh, come on, we're going to be out a lot of money. I can't cancel this.

I can't get my, you know, my money back. It doesn't matter. God will provide it. Don't go out of money or don't go out of obligation. We are living in a different time period right now where the enemies are on the prowl. And so again, I'm not saying this to bring anybody fear, but I'm saying this is because we need to be paying attention to what he needs us to do.

Where he needs us to be and saying what he needs us to say as a body of Christ. We have to be more aware of God and more aware of his direction, more aware of what he is saying than any other time. We have to be more focused on God, focus on his plan, focus on his will, focus on his word, focus on him, his strength, his wisdom, his knowledge, his understanding, Because it will save us more than we know.

So I just wanted to go over that and then, yeah, somebody did put on there. Yesterday there was, you know, a well known person in the news yesterday who escaped. The United States of America, right before his house was raided for sex trafficking. And that was P Diddy. So again, we need to pray that anybody that's involved with sex trafficking, whether he is or not, whether he was set up, whether he's guilty, I don't know.

And I'm not going to guess. But there are things that are happening right now and exposures that are exploding everywhere. And we have to be aware of distractions. We have to be aware of the enemy trying to get your attention on something else because that's what the enemy wants to do. He wants people distracted.

And so no matter if Sean Diddy or P Diddy or whatever you want to call him, if he's guilty or not, I don't know, but we just know that God's justice and truth is going to come out in these situations. No matter what they are. And if he is involved in that, I pray for the soul of him and anyone who's been with him that it took any part in child sex trafficking.

Because God said he was going to expose. That all that corruption and all that evil that's going on. Remember he said it was more than just Epstein. And yesterday before I get to before I get to this prophetic word yesterday's live show vanished. We don't know what happened. Rumble has not responded to us.

Yet they're slow sometimes because there's no you can't call them. There's only email one minute our video was there and the next minute it disappeared that is on rumble's end. It was not on our end. We don't know what happened to it. So I did re upload it last night around seven o'clock or something like that 6 30 p.

m Or seven o'clock last night. It's the same one from yesterday So if you're wondering if you missed yesterday's live show and you saw that it's not there, it was just a placement video. We don't know what happened until rumble responds to us. We don't know how it just could have disappeared. So until then, until they figure it out and fix that issue, we did upload.

That video again, okay, so it is on our rumble channel for those who watch on rumble only it is back up there. Okay. I wanted to make that announcement Okay. Now i'm gonna get to this word that lord had given me again for those who are just joining So I know a lot of people are just joining. Please keep baltimore and all those families and that horrible tragedy That happened last night with that bridge You all we know is that there was a cargo ship and somebody said they lost power and it ran right into the cement part of the bridge and the entire thing collapsed.

And so we were, we started out this morning with praying for everyone in Baltimore and pray for those families. Who have lost loved ones last night or this morning. That's hard. That's hard to know how to, to deal with that situation, especially if people aren't born again Christians. And that's why I really wanted to pray them all into the body of Christ.

So God can give them a comfort in that time of need. Okay. Today I'm going to give you a prophetic word. This is from March 18th.

I just want to make sure that the Lord wants me to go in this direction or not. If he wants me to go a different one and I will you guys know that.

Okay. His first paragraph, it says, my children, this day, I'm reminding you what your enemies want.

They want death to your freedoms, total annihilation of your families. They want you broke. They want you in fear. They want you to rely on them. They want you desperate, confused, and broke. So you won't dare resist and fight them back. They want my United States, Israel, and every nation, and every human being to be under their demonic control.

They want you as their slaves. To do what they want, to build their empires for their lavish lifestyles.

My children, if you don't fight and stand, then what are you left with? Destruction, chaos, even greater than what you see now. This is nothing compared to the hell on earth during the tribulation. This is a foreshadowing of how the globalists will take over most people and rock them into a sleep of deception to rule the nations.

But there'll always be people wanting and yearning for their freedoms that I have put in their hearts.

My children, you need to change. Sorry, my children. You need to charge the enemy with force with my word and know you can never back off or back down to tyranny, or any type of evil. Be my Joshua and Caleb's, be my David's, be my Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego's. None of them would back off in the face of death,

or what looked like, ultimately, their defeat. It wasn't! They didn't reason their situation out. They trusted me and resisted with my power, my authority. And that is what I have given to all of you in this time.

Do you trust me that I Am your way out of all of this? I will not let you down and I will not fail you, so stand strong. You will need to be strong in these coming days that are coming upon you. I'm your strength and your guide. Press through and press in. I Am with you to see you through it all. It's worth the wait.

And it's all worth the fight, saith the Lord, of hosts. Hezekiah. This name will be in your news for a surprising reason. Thermonuclear. This will be in your news for a shocking reason. High Stakes. This phrase will be in your news to get your attention. Things are being exposed and some will pay a very high price

for selling themselves to the establishment.

The Washington establishment is about to let one of their own take the fall for another. This will be in breaking news everywhere. Someone is about to be exposed in a major way on the side of the left, and it will be shocking. So much information was allowed to be released. They did this for diversion and a distraction to keep your attention on this person,

and not on the one they are still trying to prop up for the right time of his fall. But who the person they let fall will turn on them and expose more than the puppet masters ever counted on. It's all about to get very interesting in D. C., sayeth the Lord.

Something very unusual is about to take place in Ukraine. It will show you more on how staged some of these things are for distractions. Many secrets in Ukraine regarding this establishment will be exposed that will shock this nation. They can't hide anymore where the money went and how it was used. A whistleblower is coming to expose it all.

A major player in the Senate will fall very sick and will not be seen but they won't be able to hide it anymore- what has been hidden in many senators and with their health. The doors are being opened and the truth is about to pour out everywhere.

Hastings This name will be in your news for a shocking reason. Many people who are made to keep silent Will soon be silent no more; these revelations and truth will shake this nation to shake you from free from your enemies great deception. Many things will take place Before this next election. So brace for it and stand strong with your heads held high.

I Am on your side and I live in you. The battle is the Lord's and you win! So don't give in, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer. So I will go back again. I'll go back over this prophetic word. There's things that the Lord wanted me to give to you this morning about strength. And he's given to me things this morning about how we need to persevere, press in, press through.

And when I saw what happened in Baltimore, I could not believe because he was just giving me scriptures. About people and relying on his strength and I was going through and I was studying and I happened to look up and I saw What was going on in the chat and I was like what is going on in? Baltimore and I was just reading these scriptures I have written down here in Philippians and Ephesians Isaiah and Joshua and Psalms and Numbers and Daniel and and I look up and I see this And I'm going, God, you're trying to warn us that we need strength and trying to tell us not to lean on our own understanding or our own strength, but we need to rely on his because our enemies are wanting to do something.

That's why I'm struggling this morning, because I'm trying to figure out how the Lord wants me and where he wants me to go in this, because there's great devastation. There was a great destruction that the enemies caused, whether it was intentional or not, but the enemy. The devil comes around to steal, to kill, and destroy.

And so, when something happens like this, it's like, Okay, Lord, what do you want us to do? What do you want us to say? It's something that's hard to get the right words. Because of something that just happened that was so horrific. And, again, God is telling us something right now. And I want to go to Deuteronomy 31.



in verse 6. Do you remember, before I read this, Do you remember last week? When it was really hard for me to get through a prophecy because I cried the entire time because just the anointing of God, but the compassion of the Lord and him telling us, you need to trust me. There are things that are about to happen that you need to trust me.

And so when devastation happens, when destruction happens, when the enemies are doing things again, God has been warning that they are going to do things. It's so important of how we handle this, these situations. What we do, how we respond, how we act, what we say. And we have to know how to pray. So I want to go to Deuteronomy 31, in verse 6.

It says, Be strong, courageous, and firm. Fear not, nor be in terror before them. For it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not fail you, and He will not forsake you. God won't. He's been warning us about all the things that the enemies are going to do, and He's saying, Hey! He's been asking us and many different prophecies.

Do you trust me? Do we trust him that when he says, don't go, we don't go somewhere. Oh, when he tells us you better go over here and you better not go over there, even though it looks like it's the wrong place to go in the natural, look what happened with Abraham, you know, a lot chose. The, the, the area of Sodom and Gomorrah because it looked great.

And then Abraham, it looked like it was a desolate, it looked like there was nothing there. But it turned out to be the exact place, and it was where God provided him, shielded him, protected him, protected him, and it was the right place that he needed to go. It didn't look like it, But it was the right place he needed to go.

There is a time and season that we are living in where we are going to have to know which way to go. And that's why God said in his word that we can lean not to our own understanding because there are a lot of things right now. It's easy to deceive, distract and destroy. It's easy for us to get in on this lane and go, Well, this seems like the right way.

This looks like the right thing to do. And guys say, no, that's not, it's not the right thing to do. It's not where we need to go. We have to start paying attention to our spirits and what God is saying on inside our spirit, man. We need to pay attention to our spirit man, not up here and lean on our own understanding.

We need to pray and say, okay, Lord, I'm going to sit here. It's like our team. We sit here and we pray and we get confirmations from the Lord. Okay. We're going to pray about this individually. When we're going to come together, we're going to pray about together, see what God is saying. We get confirmation after confirmation.

Why? Because he, we make sure that he is leading this ministry. We make sure that we're not going to do anything that he doesn't want us to do. Why? Because he is our protector. He is our advocate. He's our standby. He is our everything. He's our guide. He's the one we rely on to give us information on what to do or what not to do.

We have to start being more alert. Do you remember what God says in 1 Peter 5, verse 7, that the enemy roams around like a lion seeking who he may devour? Okay? But he can't devour us. And we're going to keep saying that. That's our decree. The enemy will not devour us because we are not, we are not going to give in to any of his deception.

So again, in Deuteronomy 31, verse 6 says, Be strong, courageous, and firm. Fear not, nor be in terror before them. Amen. For it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you. He's telling us to be strong and courageous. I also want you now, if he is telling you to do that, then he's giving you the ability to do it.

And that's, what's very important. If God is telling you to be strong and courageous, no matter what you're saying, he's giving you the ability to be that strong and be courageous. I also want to reach you in Joshua, Joshua one in verse nine, have I not commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous.

Be not afraid, neither be dismayed for the Lord, your God is with you. Wherever you go, we have to be aware wherever we go, that God is with us. We have to be very strong and courageous. Now God is telling us that because there's going to be a time and a period in all of our lives where the enemy is going to try to bring weakness.

He's going to try to bring us to a state where we are distracted, deceived, distracted, and destroyed. We are weak because we're so full of fear, doubt, worry, unbelief. Like we were just praying for a whole bunch of people yesterday. We're praying for anxiety. He wants you in a state of anxiety. Trust me, I used to be controlled by anxiety when I was, a while ago.

And being controlled by anxiety is very paralyzing. And it brings you to a very weak spot spiritually. That's what the enemy wants. He doesn't want you strong. And that's why we have to fight that good fight of faith. And if you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or fear, or worry, whatever it is, you command that.

You command it by the blood of Jesus and by the authority of that name. You resist the devil in James 4, 7. You resist him and he must flee. He doesn't have a choice to stay. God will change your life. The more you stand and pray, the more you start resisting. I'm telling you, the enemy has to listen. But again, here's another scripture that says be strong and vigorous.

God is telling us we need to be strong and vigorous. Why? Because the enemy is on attack. The enemy wants to do things on a continual basis to destroy our strength. What is our strength? Where's our strength come from? Our strength comes from the Lord. The joy of the Lord is our strength. You can find that in Ephesians.

Ephesians chapter six. Ephesians chapter six and verse 10. It says, now this is again, the classic amplified version. In conclusion, be strong in the Lord, be empowered through your union with him, draw your strength from him, that strength, which his balance might provide. God is the one who provides you strength.

So if you need strength today, when you're seeing all these things go, you know, horrible in your life, or you're seeing things going on in the world, you say, I thank you, Father, God, it's not my strength. I thank you that you are giving me strength every day. I thank you father God that no weapon formed against me or my family shall prosper.

I thank you that I will be in the right place at the right time. I thank you. My entire family will always be at the right place at the right time. I thank you father God that no terror, that no sudden death, that no disease or virus infections or whatever it is. I thank you father God that it is part of the curse.

I Am redeemed from that curse and I thank you that we are protected by your blood and by your name That's being strong. That's being prepared Remember we are in the army of the lord and we have the armor on which we should be putting on every day I know the team and I we put it on every day when we're praying we plead the blood of jesus And we pray, we put on our armor, and before we start praying for you, we make sure that we have our armor on because when you're warring and you're interceding and you're fighting a battle spiritually, you better make sure that you're going to have your fight, your battle, your battle armor on.

You got to have your armor on and remember that. So again, to be in conclusion, be strong in the Lord and the power and power through your union with him. We need to have a union with God, just like yesterday. I said, and I, I have never thought about that before to that degree like that, but it came out of my spirit.

We need to make God our study partner. Truly. He is should be our study partner. He should, we have a, we should have a union with him, a fellowship with him, a friendship with him. He is our father. He wants to know us. He wants to talk to us all the time. He is speaking is, is our spiritual ears open to hear him.

That's the difference. He's always talking, but as our spiritual ears are open. All right. Now I'm going to keep reading. Let's go to Psalm 23, Psalm 23 and verse four, which I know you guys know the scripture.

Yes. Though I walk through the deep sunless Valley of the shadow of death, I will feel or dread no evil for you are with me, your rod to protect and your staff to guide and they comfort me. So God leads, he guides, he comforts, he protects.

So we have to know, again, that we will never be where we're not supposed to be. I thank you, Father God, I'm always at the right place at the right time. Here's another scripture, and it is in,

for 2 Corinthians. Second Corinthians chapter one and verse 10, second Corinthians chapter one and verse 10. Now I Am going to read it out of the amplified and I'll read it out of the C

And this, the amplified is for it is he who rescued and saved us from such a perilous death. He will still rescue and save us. And on him, we have set our hope, our joyful and confident expectation that he will again deliver us from danger and destruction and draw us. To himself so he will protect us from danger So no matter what is going on No matter what we are about to see because again, he says a lot of things are going to happen before the election he's saying he is going to avert us or the let's just see here divert he's also going to Get us on a path that we are not going to go down that path of destruction Like a detour your enemy wants you to go down this path like this And he has set up traps everywhere on this path, everywhere that you step in and get trapped in destruction or destruction or stealing or killing or destroying.

Because that's what the enemy does. He's still, he kills and he destroys, but God will detour you. He gets you on another path to go around all of those traps. So you don't, you don't have to go through any of those traps of the enemy. So you're not deceived. You're not distracted. You're not destroyed.

That's why we pay attention to what God is saying, because he diverts us from these problems. He saves us from all these traps and all this destruction from the enemy. We just have to be knowing that we have to make him first. That firm focus foundation on the father. Let's keep reading in the C. E. V.

Translation of 10 says God saved us from the threat of death and we are sure that he will do it again and again So in the first paragraph of this prophecy, it says my children this day I Am reminding you that your enemies what your enemies want They want death to your freedoms. And we also know, he's warned us, that they want death all over this world.

In such a way that it is unheard of. They want death in a scale never seen. That's what they want. Doesn't mean they'll get it, but that's what they want. But he also says they want a death to your freedoms. Total annihilation of your families. Why do you think they destroyed with such perversion and such brainwashing and all this crap that's going on?

They are destroying families. A house divided against itself cannot stand. So there's a division between a husband and wife, divisions between children and parents. Divisions in our nations. Divisions in the body of Christ. Division after division after division. You can look everywhere. Division. Satan brings division.

It is another tactic of war. He brings division. So you are not strong enough because you're fighting amongst yourselves. You're not strong enough to fight the actual enemy. He wants division. It also says they want you broke. They want you in fear. And that broke doesn't mean just financially. They want you broke spiritually.

They want you broken every way. So again, why? They want you in fear. They want you to rely on them. They want you desperate, confused, and broke. So you won't dare resist and fight them back. They want you broke financially, and they want you broke spiritually. So you won't dare fight them back.

Because if you fight them back, and if you resist the devil, he must flee from you. James 4, 7. He knows the authority that you have when you resist him. But he doesn't want you to have that strength to resist him. He doesn't want you to have that knowledge of resisting him. He doesn't want you to have the knowledge of the power of the name of Jesus.

He doesn't want you to have the knowledge of the power of God's Word. He doesn't want you to have the knowledge of the power of the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Then he goes on to say, and they want my United States and Israel, every nation, and they want every human being, to be under their demonic control.

That's what this globalist agenda is. To have every nation under a global control. And then knowing that the one you spiritually broke him. So then they bring in this one world religion one world religion It's called chrislam. I could not believe when I heard it. They're trying to they're trying to combine Christianity and islam and say that they serve the same god and they don't they're trying to bring a one world government And a one world religion because oh that's gonna bring peace Because there won't be any division, right?

If you're all in the same countries, you know, even though we're the united states of america You We had the same government as England or Australia or China. So then what would we be fighting about if we had the same religion, you know, Christianity, Islam, that's the ones who fight most well, if we have one religion, then we wouldn't be fighting.

They're promising you something that they cannot promise and they cannot give you peace. Satan is never gonna give you peace. He's gonna make it look like there is, he's gonna make it sound good, but that's why we have to walk by faith, and not by sight. So he says they want every human being under their demonic control.

They want you as their slaves to do what they want, so you would build their empires for their lavish lifestyles. Look what happened to Pharaoh. Look what he did with God's people. He enslaved them to build his empire. And God says in his word there's nothing new under the sun. He pharaohs of today. And they are.

It's the same spiritual things that are behind them. God said in his word, in Ephesians 6, 12, that we don't wrestle with flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world. People think that right now, like in this country, it's a Democrat Republican, you know, fight for the White House.

No, it ain't. It's a spiritual battle. This is not just a Democrat Republican thing. There's a unit party in Washington. There's evil going on and I want to celebrate. We need to celebrate right now because all of us have been praying and guys been talking about these indictments that were going to come down against president Trump, but look what happened yesterday.

Even when it looks like, even down to the last day, when it looked like it was inevitable that president Trump was going to lose some of his Possessions, he was gonna lose some of his businesses from this ridiculous bond that they put up, which is unheard of, unprecedented. They even said it was unprecedented, never happened before.

And they were so like right there. They're like foaming at the mouth, could not wait to get ahold of some of his properties. And it was just taken away from them yesterday. That's a great to celebrate because even when injustice looks like it's winning, it's not. Even when, again, they look like they're getting away with everything they're doing.

They're not getting away with anything. And God's justice. will prevail in the end. Remember, cause this foundation is a foundation of justice. So yesterday, a lot of us should be excited and knowing that everything that the enemies were trying to do, it's not working, it's backfiring and watch. He said, all the indictments, we're going to keep backfiring.

Just watch as prophetically. He said it, he said it last year. It's going to, and they already started and they're going to keep going. It'll be like a, you know, let's see here, a collapse of everything that they're doing, like a wall falling. All right. Now, next paragraph, it says, my children, if you don't fight, Now, this is what he had me put us in bold.

Also, if you don't fight and stand, then what are you left with? A lot of the body of Christ is not fighting right now. They're not standing. They're just thinking life is normal. We'll have another election. There'll be another president. This is not even just about our country. This is about nations all over the world.

This is about a fight of good versus evil. This is about the enemies trying to control enemies, trying to bring in a one world government. It's just being. to bring in total submission to them and their evil and their propaganda and their agendas. This is bigger than our election. But what they're doing is they're trying to get you so weak and you're fighting everything else that you're not fighting them and you don't want to fight them.

It's like you bury your head in the sand like an ostrich. And some people are like, oh, it's not real. It's not real. I don't want to pay attention to it. Somebody else will fight that. Who's going to fight it if we don't? Who's going to stand up and fight if we don't? Somebody's got to. It might as well be us.

When we know that God gives us that power and that ability to fight and stand and fight that good fight of faith. And we know that fight, we're going to win. Because that's why it's a good fight. He said, fight the good fight of faith. If it was a bad fight, you would lose, but if it's a good fight, you win.

But if you're fighting that good fight of faith, you are guaranteed to win. But if you're not fighting it at all, then what's going to happen? You'll lose. If you don't fight the good fight of faith and stand on God's word and stand on and using his authority and resisting the devil, what's going to happen?

You will lose because you're not fighting. You're not resisting. You're not standing. You have to fight. If you're not fighting, your enemy will always fight against you and know that he's always fighting. And just know, how do you fight? You praise and worship. You pray to God, you thank him. You know, he's already done it all.

So just thank him for everything he's doing. And then he's giving you that power over all the power of the enemy. That says Luke 10 19. So fight that good fight of faith and know that you have all that power and authority over the power of the enemy. So he says, if you don't fight and stand, then what are you left with?

What are you fighting? You're fighting that you don't lose your faith and trust in God. The battle is the Lord. He's winning against the enemy. Our job is to trust him. Our job is to speak those words and resist the devil. Our job is to have faith in him. Our job is to not lose hope. Our job is to keep our faith.

Our job is to keep the word of God in our front of our in our lives. First and foremost. That's our job.

So again, if you don't fight and stand, then what are you left with? And then he gives you the answer. Destruction, chaos, even greater than what you see now. This is nothing compared to the hell on earth during the Tribulation. Some people are even teaching that we're in the Tribulation right now. No, we're not.

This is judgment. This is not wrath. This is a cakewalk compared to what will be in the tribulation. But this is again nothing to fear because God said his children are not appointed to wrath. Tribulation is wrath. His children are not appointed to wrath. Start praying on that. That's a big teaching and I can't go into it right now.

Destruction chaos even greater than what you see now. There is nothing compared to the hell on earth during the time of tribulation. This is a foreshadowing of how the globalists will take over most people. He didn't say all. Satan never gets what he wants. They'll want a globalist agenda and they still won't get it all.

They'll get a lot more than they are now, but they won't get it all. And they, they'll get, they'll take over most people and rock them into a sleep of deception to rule the nations. But there will also, or always be people wanting and yearning for freedoms that I have put in their hearts. God has put that yearning for our freedoms in our hearts.

And so that's why I have always, since I was a kid, I've always wanted justice. I've always wanted things to be fair. I always wanted truth to prevail. God put that there. God put that in you. We should always want fairness. We should always want justice. We should always want truth. Then he goes on to say in the next paragraph, my children, you need to charge The enemy with force with my word and no, you can never back off or back down to tyranny or any type of evil.

So how do we use God's word by force? How do we charge that enemy with force? You charge them. And like when you're praying and like, you're using the scriptures and you're praying and you're fighting that good fight of faith. I will tell you when I pray, I'm not quiet. Anybody who knows me and my team knows when I'm fighting for somebody's life or death.

I Am very loud. What happened with my son in my house one time, my oldest, and the enemy tried to kill him right in front of me. I saw life started to slip out of him, similar to what happened with my middle son back several years ago. This was last year for my oldest. He was gray. His eyes were going in the back of his head.

He was not conscious. He was not speak, be able to speak properly when he was conscious again. And I, I was yelling so forcefully and I commanded death out of that room and I commanded death out of my home that it woke up my other two that were down the hall.

When you are dealing with life and death or you are dealing with situations that the enemy is trying to destroy you, you shouldn't be wimpy or very quiet when it comes to praying. You be forceful and let him know who's in control and not let him know. Who you trust in, let them know that the lion of the tribe of Judah is on the inside of you and will roar.

There was one time I was praying for somebody once in Oklahoma and I had my hands on their back and I was just like this and I was praying over them and it was just like a force came out of me and they were just like, it just was like shaking them because of power and the authority it was, it was like a lion was just roaring when you pray.

And I said, yeah, because that was God. That was His force. It was His power. We start praying powerful prayers. We start praying the prayers that God needs us to say. Again, that's why His word does not return to us, return to Him, boy. Pray His word with force against the enemy. Again, He says, my turn you to charge the enemy with force.

We're in the, the army of the Lord. And just like we saw David, David charged Goliath. He didn't fall away, he didn't go hide, he didn't go cower, and act like nothing was wrong and say, okay, I can't fight him, you know, whatever. I'm just gonna let him, you know, talk. He's like, he doesn't have a covenant with God, I'm gonna go after him.

We start having that same attitude. He even says it later on, and I'll go over that in a minute. He says, charge him with force. Then I mean with force with my word and know that you can never back off or back down a tyranny or any type of evil because just like when you the expression you give them an inch they'll take a mile.

You allow your enemies that way. You allow him to do certain things to you, he will take it all the way to destruction. Know your enemy's tactics. When you're in war, you need to know the enemy's tactics, know how he acts, and you need to know God's going to give you the way to stop him. He's a defeated foe.

Next paragraph. Be my Joshua and Caleb's. Be my David's. Be my Shadrach, Meshach, and Benegos. Look at what he says here. None of them would back off in the face of death. Or what looked like, ultimately, their defeat. They didn't reason their situations out. They trusted me and resisted with my power and my authority.

And that is what I have given to all of you in this time. So God is saying right here, and I want to go back over this really quick because he says they didn't reason Their situations out right now. The enemy wants us to reason all of these things out He wants us to lean on our own understanding that we can figure out solutions to all of our problems He wants us to figure out, you know, we can do this We can do that and get God out of the mix all together because if we don't have God's will Just like what happened with my son if I would have reasoned that out either one of them when they were close to death It's happened a couple different times Either one of them, if I want to reason that out, or if I want to win with my five physical senses.

They could have, they could have been dead. You can't reason situations out in the midst of a situation. You have to tap in and say, okay, God, what do you want me to say right now? I got to say whatever you want me to say. I don't want to say what I want to say. Cause what I want to say, it may not be good.

You guys shut up your fear, that fear got shut up those emotions. You guys shut up what things look like and say, I'm not going to move by what I see. I'm only be moved by the word of God. Only be moved by what God tells me to say, or what God tells me to do. And how God tells me to move. So none of them would back off in the face of death or what looked like ultimately their defeat.

They didn't reason their situations out. They trusted me and resisted with my power and my authority. And that is what I've given to all of you in this time. So Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, as an example, in Daniel chapter 3, you can find it. Let's, okay, hold on, let's go, Daniel chapter 3, and if you look at boldly what they said, now I'm not going to go over the entire thing because it would take, for the sake of time, I, I can't go over the entire thing, but in Daniel chapter 3, in verse 16.

Daniel chapter 3 and verse 16. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. Verse 17. If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us from your hand, O King.

Think about if more people right now in the body of Christ would say We are not afraid of anything that's going on and no matter what it looks like we thank you father god because you Will deliver us out of it all because that is your promise and your word in psalm 37 Psalm 34 verse 17 and 19. You said you hear the cries of your people and you will deliver us out of it all So we thank you, Father God, you are delivering us out of it all.

We thank you, Father God, that we will live and not die. I don't care what that doctor report says. I've gotten great doctor reports before, too. More than once. But I couldn't agree with what they said. I know it was factual. But we had to do in that time when our doctor says, well, this is what it is. You say, I thank you that the word of God outweighs or trumps It destroys, it annihilates that fact.

God's truth of his word destroys every fact, because the fact is the fact. God's truth is the truth. God's truth sets you free. God's truth also brings healing. It brings life to your flesh. Something your enemy doesn't want you to know. That God's still Jehovah Rapha, your healer. Okay, let's keep going.

Then he goes on to say, Do you trust me? Well, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did. They were literally walking into a fiery furnace. Knowing their God was gonna save them. And he did! Jesus, who was a fourth man, and showed up in that furnace. Can you imagine the sight? Can you imagine three men were thrown in?

The enemy always overplays their hands. His people, Nebuchadnezzar's people, died who threw them in. Shadrach, Meshach, and Medodah walked in there. They were bound, so they were thrown in there, whatever. All of a sudden, a few minutes later, he walks, he looks in the fiery furnace, thinking that he's not gonna see anything, and Nebuchadnezzar sees four men.

And they're walking around and then when they come out of that furnace, it even says right here in Daniel three, verse 27. And there, and it goes on that, you know, their clothing and stuff together. They saw these men on whose bodies, the fire had no power, the enemy's fire, the enemy's plan of attack, the enemy's death sentence, the enemy's power had no power because why it was their faith and trust in God.

It was her faith and trust in him. And that's the reason why the enemy had no power. If you have faith and trust in God that you will live and not die, I promise you, if you believe in you are you are convinced and I just have faith in have faith in your heart. And just, you are convinced I'm going to live and not die.

I don't care. God, I thank you. It says in your word was long life. Will you satisfy me? Well, I'm not satisfied yet and I'm going to keep living. And you have faith and trust in him just like Abednego did? They will live and not die.

Look, the fire had no power. The hair on their head was not singed. Nor were their garments affected. And the smell of smoke was not even on them. So they didn't smell. And I've given you this illustration before. If you're by a campfire, you're not even in that fire. You're just by the fire. Say for instance, you're not even in the direction of the smoke.

Somehow you still smell like smoke. But they were in it. You're It didn't kill him. The hair, nothing in their clothing was affected. It looked like they didn't even go in there. That's what God's saying to us. The enemy's trying to put us through tests and trials and horrible situations, and God is saying, that evil, if you trust me, has no power over you.

If you are convinced, and if you believe, and you receive, and you pray, that I Am the father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that I Am the one who delivered David, from Goliath. I'm the one who delivered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from that fire. If you believe that I'm the one who shut the mouths of the lions with Dan and the lion's den, if you believe I was with Joshua and Caleb, if you believe I was with the Israelites, do you believe and are you are convinced the enemy's power will have no power over you?

That is the the key that we are missing. If we are solely convinced That God is going to get us out of all this mess? Faith can do a lot. Faith can get you out of a lot. And faith restricts the enemy's power. Faith is going to get you out. And in the meantime, while you're waiting to get out, it restricts the power of the enemy.

Faith in God. All right, do you trust me that I'm your way out of all of this? Well, he's our waymaker, so why wouldn't he be the way? He's a way, he's a truth, he's a life. So why wouldn't he have a way? I will not let you down and I will not fail you. So stand strong. And this is where here again, you will need to be strong in these coming days.

That are coming upon you. He's telling us I gave you those scriptures earlier in joshua 1 9 He also gave it to us in deuteronomy 31 6 psalm 23 4 Isaiah 41 10. Let's read that one. I haven't read that one yet be strong In the lord isaiah 40 net and the reason why I wanted to read 41 in verse 10 This is a scripture when I was full of anxiety and fear all the time.

I read the scripture a lot You Verse 10 in that classic Amplified, and I have read it before in the New King James. That was like the one I was reading a lot before I got my Parallel Bible. Once I started reading the Amplified more, I got my Parallel Bible. It says, fear not, Isaiah 41 10, fear not, there's nothing to fear.

So when, when I was going through anxiety and panic attacks, he would have me say that, fear not, there's nothing to fear. Fear not, Julie, there's nothing to fear. Fear not, Julie, there's nothing to fear. Fear, F E A R, fear is false evidence appearing real. It appears like you're going to lose. It appears like you're going to die.

It appears, appears like the enemy is doing everything he's going to, and it's impossible for you to have a way out. It appears that way. Fear's a liar. God's always going to make a way out. He promises that. Fear not. There is nothing to fear. For I Am with you. Do not look around you in terror and be dismayed.

From your God, I will strengthen you and harden you to difficulties. Yes. I will help you. Yes. I will hold you up and retain you with my victorious right hand of rightness and justice. That's a classic amplified version of Isaiah 41, 10. Read it all the time. You don't have a classic amplified Bible. So changing Bibles all the time.

They're changing how they're doing things. So go to Bible gateway. Alright, go to Bible Gateway and you can look that up. The A M P C. Now, the copyright has a whole different story. After a certain time period, they're changing wordings and it's not that strong and it's not that good. Enemy's doing that for a reason.

Alright, Psalm 46 and verse 1. Psalm 46 and verse 1. Again, he's saying, You need to be strong in these coming days that are coming upon you. But he's telling you that, but he's giving you the ability to do it. Psalm 46 and verse 1.

It says, God is our refuge and strength, mighty impenetrable, and a very present, well proved help in trouble. So he's the one, Who is mighty and impenetrable. And he's the one who gives us strength. He's our refuge and our strength, guys, our refuge and our strength. So we need to know that he's our refuge and he's our strength.

Verse two, therefore we will not fear though. The earth should change. He's talking about things that are changing right now. And things are going to look like they normally are. He says, though therefore we will not fear though. The earth should change. And though the mountains will be shaking into the midst of the seas.

Talking about shaking right here. Verse three, though it's waters roar and foam though the mountains tremble, it is swelling and tumult, tumult. Verse that's a Selah. And then it goes on and on and on. So even with all these things that are going crazy and things are not normal, God is saying, look, I Am your refuge and I'm your strength.

God's our refuge and he's our strength. And we all know Philippians 4 19. Or sorry, Philippians 4, 13. Philippians 4 and 13. Again, where do we get our strength? Where does our strength come from? Where does our endurance come from? Where does our perseverance come from? Where does our consistency come from?

It comes from God. God is the one who gives us the ability to do it. Philippians 4 and 13. This is a classic Amplified. Says, I have strength for all things. In Christ, so Christ, his anointing Christ means the Anointed one, so Christ and His or Jesus and the anointing or the anointed one, or talking about his power and authority.

Christ was not his last name. I have strength in all things in Christ who empowers me. He empowers us. He, he has the resurrection power of Jesus Christ lives on the inside of us and that power, that resurrection power is what raised Jesus from the dead and that power on the inside of us is what we need to tap into.

So we may not have strength to fight everything. Well, you don't need that strength to fight it. You need God's. Human resistance is not enough human knowledge and understanding is not enough so who empowers me I Am ready for anything and equal to anything through him who infuses inner strength into me.

I Am Self sufficiency a self sufficient in christ's efficiencies.

Let's I gotta hurry up here I see the time again going over my time again. All right, let's go to really quick philippians four I've never read it out of the cev but Let's read it and see what it says.

Okay short and sweet. This is a Philippians 4 13 out of the CEV So a contemporary English version says Christ gives me the strength to face anything That should be plastered all over our homes Christ gives me strength to face anything Anything because he does. All right, you will need to be strong in these coming days that are coming upon you I Am your strength and i'm your guide.

He's just proved us all these different scriptures and there's more he's proved us that we are Strengthened by him if we tap into that if we trust and we rely on him and we have that we are Convinced that he's going to deliver us out of it all we have that faith Remember that faith gets us through it and that faith destroys the power of the enemy and destroys our plans He's our strength and guide.

It says in Psalms 25, 4 and 5 that God leads us and guides us in the right way and where we should go. He leads us and guides us. He's our guide. Press through and press in. I Am with you to see you through it all. It's worth the wait and it's all worth the fight. Save the Lord of hosts. Remember the Lord of hosts is Lord of angel armies.

The god of the angel army. So remember, we have, we have an army of angels with us. We're not fighting by ourselves. Like with David, he couldn't have fought that lion and the bear, and he couldn't have fought Goliath without God's help, without God's strength, without God's wisdom, without God's knowledge and understanding.

He said, be like David. He told us to be like Daniel. Well, Daniel, when the enemy told him not to pray, Daniel still faced it and said, I don't care what you say. I'm gonna pray to my God. I'm gonna do it openly. I'm not gonna cower. I'm not gonna hide, and I'm not gonna comply. And he didn't. He faced death.

God shut the mouths of the lions. And again, the enemy, their faith, and they were totally convinced about God and what he could do to save them. They weren't going to be moved, even in the face of death.

Convinced, completely certain about something. That was, that's what convinced means, completely certain about something. We should be completely convinced that God is the most high God, that he's, like we learned yesterday, if you missed it, we had to re upload it because you missed it. Something happened with Rumble, and one minute it was there, the next minute it was gone.

So we re uploaded it, but yesterday's teaching, we learned about El Elyon, the Most High God. Now, the name Hezekiah, Hezekiah, this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. Thermonuclear, this will be in your news for a shocking reason. High Stakes, this phrase will be in your news to get your attention.

Things are being exposed and some will pay a very high price for selling themselves to the establishment. So high stakes, that phrase will be in your news. And then next paragraph, the Washington establishment is about to let. One of their own take the fall for another. So watch some explosive information come out about somebody.

They're gonna let somebody go. This will be breaking in your news everywhere. Someone is about to be exposed in a major way on the site of the left and it will be shocking. Some information was allowed to be released. They did it for a diversion and a distraction to keep your attention on this person and not on the one who they are still trying to pop prop up right in front of you.

Sorry, try Sergeant. They are trying to, to prop up for the right time of his fall. Still trying to prop up for the right time of his fall, and we all know who that is. That's the puppet. That's Biden. Then it says they're trying to prop him up still for the time of his fall because they have, they have a specific time that they want.

But who the person they let fall will turn on them and expose more than the puppet masters ever counted on. It's all about to get very interesting in D. C. So, watch somebody fall, because they're still trying to prop up the Biden, and for the right time of his fall, we all already know because the news is already talking about, not having him until 2024 election.

They're going to try to change it. Just watch what they do. Somebody else is going to expose more of the puppet masters or the Washington establishment, globalists people, however you want to call them. All right. Now, next paragraph, something very unusual is about to take place in Ukraine. It will show you more on how staged some things are for distractions.

Now, not all things are staged in Ukraine. Some things have been staged in Ukraine. Many secrets in Ukraine regarding this establishment will be exposed that will shock this nation. They can't hide anymore where the money went. This is the key where the money went and how it was used. There's been, I don't know if it's been a hundred billion now, I suppose something it's just some outlandish amount of a number that we had given over to Ukraine and it's not doing anything.

It's not helping them. It's not getting to the people. Is, is that going where it belongs to go or was supposed to go to help that people think they can't hide anymore? Where the money went and how it was used, A whistleblower is coming to expose it all and then a major player in the Senate will fall very sick and soon you will not.

And they will not be seen. So someone is a major player. So one of the ones in the Senate that we are very well known. They're very well known, they're gonna fall very sick and soon will not be seen. But they won't be able to hide it anymore, what they have hidden in many senators with their health.

The doors are being opened and the truth is about to pour out everywhere. So there are secrets being held back about who's all sick in the Senate. All right Hastings, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. Next paragraph. Many people who were made to keep silent Those are whistleblowers made to keep silent will soon be silent no more.

These revelations and tru

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