Satan's End-Time Agenda to Send His Demonic Army Through the Spiritual Gates and Usurp the Throne of God, It Requires Demonic Possession so Humans Can Carry Them Through the Gates + Astral Projection, Near Death Experience (NDE) and Life After Death
Journalist Liz Crokin, Pizzagate + Heartbreaking to Hear Naysayers Saying it's Just a Few Bad Apples or Satanic Panic + In Reality Pizzagate is Only the Tip of the Iceberg, There is So Much More to Uncover, Breeder Programs etc.
Kanye & Kim Kardashian's (High Priestesses into Dark Magick) Wedding Ritual Part of Phoenix Ceremony, Dark 2 Light, Self-Immolation, Chemical Wedding, Initiations of Flame, Immortal Stone + Marilyn Manson, Bieber + Wore Rubber Boots for Grounding
Jessie is Constantly in Danger + God Protects Jessie but He Made No Promise to Keep Everyone Safe + Encouraging Others with Knowledge to Speak Out, That's the Only Way it's Ever Going to Stop
Timothy Charles Holmseth is Credible, Top Illuminati Assassins were Hired to Kill Him, That Doesn't Happen if There is No Perceived Threat + The Pentagon Pedophile Task Force (PPTF) is Real, Trump Said There Was No Presidential PPTF
Bob Saget, Family TV Shows Are the Perfect Cover For Pedophilia or Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) + It Will Be Disheartening for People to See Who Else is Going to Be Exposed in the Future
The Black Eye Club, Comes From a Particular Ritual, It's a Warning to Brotherhood Members: Break the Secrets and Lose Your Eye + Adrenochrome Can Also Be Involved in Causing Black Eyes + Sodomy and Panda Eyes