Bill Cooper and The Deep State

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JUAN O SAVIN has many times mentioned BILL COOPER. A Friend and the reason that Juan followed this road of REVEALING the mechanisms of INFILTRATION, that back 35 years ago were in play (see recent James Forrestal program for the beginning of Deep State operations in 1947 as Juan has discussed multiple times 19.47 the New Physics number), even as they are TODAY.

In 1991 Bill Cooper wrote and Published "Behold a Pale Horse". The book has been influential among "UFO and militia circles"... or so says Wiki and they and many on the LEFT dubbed him a "Conspiracy Theorist". Now we know better don't we? Honor the man for his SACRIFICE at the hands of the IRS who SHOT HIM DEAD November 5, 2001 for Tax evasion. And how is this working out for us NOW? If you did not know him before.. know him NOW as a VISIONARY someone who figured it out long before many woke up. Side note: (It is in 1991 that I put as my turning point during the GULF WAR that I changed sides.. and since then have fought to reveal their primary Money source. Child Trafficking/Organ Harvesting and the CPS). AND SO HAS JUAN.
Mr. TruthBomb put this LANDMARK series together and I only will post this one Episode because of JUAN'S knowledge and remarks about Bill Cooper.

An OUTSTANDING body of work:

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Tues. & Thurs. @ 11am PST/ 1pm CST

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