1 year agoInsider SiS v2k/gang stalker expert Bryan Kofron -(RIP), explains info he was attacked forChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoWhy am I not uploading as much educational SSP Christ consciousness videos???ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoSee angels, they follow me often. Not project blue beam or RNM fake angelsChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoSee REAL spiritual warfare.To be Alpha to the Antichrist Ai systems, one must be Alpha on all levelsChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoYou’re all evil: paypal.me/DWall871 son who I raised for 5 years,got 50/50 of until mind control OGSChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year ago1/2: Heads up about the US dollar!What sources control your narrative?🤔“Redacted” news segment🤔ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoRussiaVSUkraine weapons propaganda. Hidden gnostic teachings, solar plasma/bio plasma dna activationChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year ago$1,000,000 if want me to use Christ cosmic intel telekinesis stop ww3. 4 Antichrist SSP protectionChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoSee Area51 tech:Stalked by demonic negative ETs. SRA Mind control 247.Not allow to work,Kept povertyChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoMe stopping ww3 until I’m ready to cause it,if I must. General of The 144,000.ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoDead bird, I can turn to an angel, Life ruined with V2K SRA mind control fake pedo homo Nazi V2k.ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoNot fake made by ai. See real UFOs at war on earth. Hidden timelines control this reality, 4 now.ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year ago$1,000,000 in my GoFundMe, I’ll stop WW3. Otherwise I’ll help cause it for self defense. -The 144ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoI control the sun as an Emerald Solar Dragon King to destroy your satellites for my protectionChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoSee DNA angelic activation! Want to DL energy from the sun? Email me awoken247@gmail -i’ll teach youChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year ago(See Info) ET Area51 tech.. SSP info: Avoiding WW3. Dustin means Thors Stone.ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoI Decide try stop WW3=Nuke Planes/USAF Fly.Pic:USAF1 n air today 247 im attacked PsychoTronicWar V2kChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoSee negative ETs. SSP:secret space programs info.How are the negatives trying to pull earth to Hell?ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoLol look how mad SiS are who ruin my life 247 with mind control to try to turn me in a homoChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoCooking Wild Game. Hog Roast Recipe. How to Cook Wild Hog. Time Lapse VideoInspiring How UC That
1 year agodocumenting this:50% of the time or more when I wake, the sun solar flares increase,just like todayChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoNew job, insane poverty tactics, SSP VS ANGELIC god technologies, point of OGS? Who target me?ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoSiS negative ETs,runs OGS. They think reality is my butthole. Tis not allowed to work to make money.ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoSee angels! https://gofund.me/7f9d7874 ✡️ the 144000 ascension mark of the lamb merkaba christ 777ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb