(See Info) ET Area51 tech.. SSP info: Avoiding WW3. Dustin means Thors Stone.

1 year ago

Pushing everyone to war3. SwS is a “war game simulation,” they are trying to create singularity Ai and pull earth in to their dimensions of reality. Even with Ukraine fighter pilots training, it’s irrelevant… ***The Russian fighter pilots will easily outperform the Ukraines along with Russian S-400 anti-missile systems which are more advanced than the patriot system thus a testament to much of the information here.

The Hamiltonian is actually the average amount of energy inherent to an atom. However accurate with the information here

-(sis type “is” over and over, that they “is” pulling earth in to their dimension of reality which is… Hell. I cannot stop them if I can not get a home and funds for protection to activate my DNA. My ascension would make me more powerful than my brother Christ as I am family of Christ and Michael and obviously stop all mind control. However not being allowed to make money with nonstop SRA mind control and demonic possession, GL..)

The 144,000 bow before no man and no false gods. We bow before God, none are ye. I am that I am. I am GSF.

Enemy of The Antichrist Draconian Empire. Enemy of The State. Targeted Individual of The 144,000.

Please donate so I can get funding to get a home and secure environment to turn in to an angel, as I’m kept in poverty 4 such benevolence by pure evil forces made to look “self take out”.

$targeted144000 - cash app
Venmo: Sword_of-God

Other channels: TurnUpVidSettings. See ArcAngels,Follow Me.I can turn angel, start/stop wars,^earth higher dimension


“Entertain the hope that somehow you'll escape me
Weld the bolts and close the iron gate
Drink deeply the illusion of your safety
My how wishful thoughts inebriate, masquerade, and revel in your opulence
Writhe unfettered by your stabs at ignorance
Swim through hues and whispered tones of here say
A dozen strokes to run your blood cold enough to believe
Remember me? You look so surprised to see me here
With hell's black wings did I over perch these walls
For stony limits cannot hold me out
And now you all die”.

artificial intelligence demonic possession learn the below information, visit the follow videos.

***demonic fallen angelics travel in packs. They can be considered negative aliens negative extra dimensional entities***

“Kicked out when making. Soul Stealing. Soul=stargate. DwaveQuantum+parallel realities+HellDemonicETs”.


Secret Space Programs

Abbreviation - SSP

Secret Space Programs that are involved with planet earth have been in existence for eons of time and have many different objectives and agendas, both human and non-human. Since the Luciferian Rebellion and subsequent Atlantian Cataclysm, the Secret Space Programs were managed by off planet earlier human civilizations, and the Annunaki and Nephilim hybrids who managed their negotiations with a variety of many other extraterrestrial and extra dimensional species. Some of the humans that were on the planet or Tara during the final Atlantian Cataclysm left the earth and went to other planets and became what is called the Solar Lords or the basis of the Solar Wardens. These offshoots also formed a variety of Galactic Confederations, and the Solar System was an outpost for many visiting races that would communicate with these Confederations that functioned as a typed of United Nations Assembly for the Solar System. The centralized races of the Annunaki, along with their Nephilim hybrids, exist within and are gatekeepers of the 4th dimension which is the main dimensional access to our Sun (Sol). They started to contact and negotiate treaties with the 3D world governments at the turn of the Century. These treaties have to do with bartering exchanges of planetary goods, natural resources, elements and compounds, and materials that can be taken off planet. That included supplying numbers of human adults and children that the government agreed to barter exchanges for abduction, work camps, sexual slavery, forced breeding, genetic experimentation, genetic augmentation, and Secret Space Programs. Those that were genetically enhanced or had special skill sets, such as high psionic ability, were trained to be placed in a variety of military positions and/or for other functions, such as work as scientists, engineers, geneticists, as well as study these experiments in high tech laboratories. In exchange for abducting human beings, these Megalomaniac government leaders would be given access to extremely advanced off planet or alien technologies, spacecraft blueprints, militarized weaponry, zero point power source technology and so forth.

Black Operation Timelines

Eisenhower Legacy

Valiant Thor



Milab Whistleblowers

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