#197 Devil State of Arizona Updates - Tyrannical Mari-Corruption County Board Of Supervisors Is Breaking The Law, Lying & Attacking The Grassroots...AGAIN! | RAY MICHAELS & BRIAN FERENCE
Project Stargate (M.K. Ultra) Saturn, AI Governance total Surveillance. Palantir. USAID. Transhumanism The Convention of States & Project 25 (in description)
Republicans Had Their VOTES STOLEN In The Maricopa County PPE Last Tuesday Because They Were CHANGED To Independents & THEY DIDN’T MAKE THE CHANGE! WTF AZ? Why Don’t The Legislators or Candidates Give A Crap?
#216 Tyrannical Mari-Corruption County Just Can't Help Their Demonic Selves & The AZGOP Is Their BFF... STAND UP To Take Back America & Your Unconstitutional Elections! | RAY MICHAELS