Ep 6. Prepping vs Faith & Tiny House Living with The Prepared Homestead's Travis Maddox

1 year ago

Travis Maddox of The Prepared Homestead, is a fast reader. His pastor challenged him to read the whole Bible every month for a year. After the 12th read-through, Maddox had questions his pastor couldn't answer, which ultimately led him to conclude the Bible Laws (Torah) are relevant to our lives and must be kept.

In this interview, Travis and I discuss what it's like to have three children living in a tiny home (under 400 sq-ft!) and how to strike the correct balance between having the faith that Yeshua will care for us and the wisdom to be prepared for all things. Maddox talks about the top three things people in cities and the suburbs should do to prepare for hard times. He shares insights on picking breeds of chickens and sheep to raise and why being food independent is a big goal of preparedness. And he shares his top tips for building a successful YouTube channel.

Travis and his wife, Rivkah Maddox run The Prepared Homestead YouTube Channel and build communities filled with people working towards a self-sufficient lifestyle. They give opinion on news and current events as well as real-world advice on preparedness, homesteading, natural health and community building.

Connect with Travis here:

Website: https://www.thepreparedhomestead.com/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@therealpreparedhomestead
Monthly Meetings: https://www.thepreparedhomestead.com/ourcommunity
Maddox's Tribe: https://thepreparedhomestead.locals.com/support

NOTE: Are you looking for a place to tithe? How about saving and then rehabilitating and caring for kids who were sex trafficked? We aren't affiliated with Kaleb House, but we love what they do. Have an open hand, support them and be blessed: https://www.kalebhouse.org/donate

The LIFE Podcast is sponsored by:

THE WAY documentary, a film which tells the story of countless believers around the world who’ve traded Easter ham for Passover lamb and Sunday church for Saturday Sabbath - all in an effort to live like their Savior. Learn more and buy your DVD, digital download or 10 hr Extended Edition at: https://www.thewaydoc.com/collections/the-way-documentary

THE TRUTH: REFORMATION 2.0 is a light-hearted, hard-hitting apologetics book from the creators of The Way documentary. It's the first book of its kind to offer systematic, biblical answers to every mainstream Christian objection to Torah observance. Learn more and get your copy (digital or paperback) at: https://www.thewaydoc.com/thetruth

TRUTH TRACTS are a tool designed to hand out to those around us who want a concise look at why we live like Yeshua. Each centered around one key topic (Sabbath, food, holidays, Israel and tzitzits), TRUTH TRACTS use stories and Scripture to remind Christians that once we're saved by grace through faith, we're called to do and teach the lifestyle instructions of God, His Torah. Learn more, read the tracts and order yours at: https://www.truthtracts.org

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