Montclair University: Police Restrict Me To 90 Minutes, Two Female Students Eagerly Promise To Pass Out My Tracks, Atheist Challenges Me To Debate For Tomorrow, Small Crowd Drawn, I Nearly Topple Over Due To How Weak I Am, Jesus Lives!
No Preaching Tomorrow As My Hosts Graciously Pay For My One Day Vacation To See Play "Book of Daniel" & Also Reproving "Christian" Women Who Violate 1st Timothy 2:11, & Reproving Trump Tards! Praise Jesus!
University of Maryland: Wicked Reprobates Arrogantly Try To Make Me Move, Humble Police Officer Gives Me A Great New Place To Preach, Draw A Small Crowd, Rebuking an Arrogant Atheist & Arrogant Roman Catholic, Preaching Jesus!
Cleveland State: Spirit of Confusion on Professing Christian, 1 Sinner Grabs My Banner, Ferocious Wind Snaps My Banner Frame, I Rebuke the Wind in Jesus' Name and It Dies Down, Perverts, Hypocrites Gather To Blaspheme Yah, Wild Day!
Cleveland State: Rebuking Jehovah's Witnesses For Their Hellish Religion, Contending w/ an Arrogant Muslim & His Girlfriend, I Sing Out Songs, Preach Jesus, Crowd Descends Into Blasphemy, "Christians" Love Their Sin, I Wipe The Dust Off