Jesus will make those who persercute His bride and say false things pay

2 years ago

If the world hates you keep it mind it hated Me first and the world does hate those who truly follow God, in hostile countries Christianity is banned and those who follow Jesus suffer persercution from the government, Muslims around them or atheist Communists in China and north Korea, America is doing it to, true believers are told they can't work anymore they did not get a vaccine or serve a gay sodomite couple who wanted a wedding cake and they cried gay hate speech, or families that attack and lie about a family member that is following Jesus and they hate it, Jesus will make them pay and they will not like it, one thing God hates is a lying toungue that lies, gossips, spreads rumors that are false about people, God sees it all and He writes it down to, the wicked will pay and will suffer for it to, after the rapture happens the 7 year tribulation will begin and it will hell on earth!!

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