Robert Kiyosaki | Executive Order 14067 | James Rickards Explains Executive Order 14067 | "If You Donate Money to Donald Trump, You May Find That Your Account Is Frozen."
Antichrist | Did the Commonwealth Games 2022 Reveal the Antichrist? The Connection Between Moloch Worship, Prince Charles, Yuval Noah Harari, mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology, Hyper-Inflation and the New World Order
Universal Basic Income | "What to Do About Mass Unemployment, We Will Have to Have Some Massive Universal Basic Income." - Elon Musk + "What Do We Need Humans For? Keep Them Busy With Drugs and Computer Games." - Yuval Noah Harari
James Giordano | "You Can Aerosolize Nanomaterials. I Can Create Small Robotic Units, Controllable Robotic Units At the Nanoscale And That These Too Can Be Aerosolized."