Seeking the Truth, California Fires

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The fires were still burning and the blame game started regarding who is at fault for what is likely the most expensive fire in California, if not US history. Accusations started flying like embers in a wind driven fire, between President Elect Donald Trump and Governor Gavin Newson. Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Crowley threw LA City Mayor Karen Bass under the Fire Truck and the media slammed every local politician insight. The leftist leaning Democrats in Los Angeles seem stunned by the criticism. Even the owner of the leftist rag, the Los Angeles Times joined the crowd, suggesting we need to start voting competency not party! What a concept.

My family and I, were sandwiched between two active fires and sat in the dark, without power, packed and ready to evacuate. The power is back on and now it’s time to explore the competing narratives to determine who is at fault, power companies, homeless, policy makers, who!

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