🚨 FALSE FLAG TERROR ALERT 🚨 Illuminati-Controlled FED AGENCIES Falsely Claim Trump Supporters Are Planning Violent Attacks During Disputed Election and Are Preparing to Frame Americans!
"Americans: Some Dumb Ass MF'ers!" (Excerpt From George Carlin's 2005 "Life is Worth Losing" HBO Special) | He MUST'VE Been a Surviving 1st Wave Volunteer/Starseed! Full Show Coming Soon.. #WhataLiberalUSEDtoBe
An American Legend is Born (MUST WATCH TIL THE END) | WE in 5D: What Did I Tell You? The 'Colored People' Will Play a LARGE Part Very Specifically and Quite Literally in the Ridding of the So-Called Elite | 🔥🔱