Judge w/Col MacGregor: Russian Military is Vastly Superior to US Military, NATO HOMOSEXUALS Combined!

9 months ago

Go to 18th min For The Assessment of USA /NATO vs. Russian Army.
Russian Army - The Hell March | Russia Military Power 2020 - ZZZ https://rumble.com/v18wzss-russian-army-the-hell-march-russia-military-power-2020-zzz.html
CONSIDER THIS: corrected numbers as of now for the largest armies: US army active duty personnel today is 420 000, Russian Army right now (in state of war against NATO Homosexuals) numbers 2.2 Millions of active duty, NK 2.0 Millions, Chinese 4.1 millions, Iranians 1.2 millions. All these armies are connected by land, they are basically one army ready to meet NATO homosexuals in their capitol cities. Think!
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This video of Woke NATO military training proves there is no difference between biological males and females. Case closed. Russia, China, NK, Iran are connected by land, basically they have One military ready to meet NATO homosexuals, think about it. https://rumble.com/v3k32p6-this-video-of-military-training-proves-there-is-no-difference-between-biolo.html
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Col Davis w/ Col MacGregor: Anti-Trump US Deep State is Purveyor of Wokeness and Anti-White Hatred – Payback will Be A Bitch! https://rumble.com/v4u1pi0-col-davis-w-col-macgregor-anti-trump-us-deep-state-is-purveyor-of-wokeness-.html
Tell Me this Is Not Happening: NATO is Actually Proud to Be a Bunch of Woke Homosexuals! https://rumble.com/v4tiebc-tell-me-this-is-not-happening-nato-is-actually-proud-to-be-a-bunch-of-woke-.html
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President Trump: I will carryout the largest deportation operation in American history, https://rumble.com/v4skfib-president-trump-i-will-carryout-the-largest-deportation-operation-in-americ.html
Kremlin reiterates recognition of Palestine State, so does Norway Ireland and Spain.
The Palestinian National Authority, otherwise known as the State of Palestine, was formally recognized by the Soviet Union in 1988. Internationally, it is recognized as a sovereign state by 143 UN members and half of the G20 group, including China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, South Africa and Türkiye.
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2024-05-21 Dr. Scott Bennett with Dr. James Fetzer: Assassinations Galore
Dr Scott Bennett CIA US Army Lt Psychological Warfare Special Operation Officer - Broken Arrow.
James Henry Fetzer PhD is a Professor of the Philosophy of Science at the University of Minnesota Duluth
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