8 months agoREVISED Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Build (TEST 2)/ "D-Railed" Control Pt /#Gameplay of the #Division2Wildezword
8 months agoTEST 1 of revised Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone Bld / "Stranded Tanker" Co-op /#Gameplay of the #Division2Wildezword
3 months agoWATERFRONT Control Point /Sleipnir-Strega Bld/ 17-11-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ #RTX4070Wildezword
3 months agoUsing Sleipnir-Strega to clear the Boathouse / 17-11-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ #RTX4070Wildezword
3 months agoSLEIPNIR-STREGA BLD / Co-op Air & Space Museum 16-11-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ #RTX4070Wildezword
3 months agoClearing City Hall with Sleipnir-Strega / 17-11-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #TomClancy #WZ #RTX4070Wildezword
3 months agoSleipnir-Strega / NEW VENICE Control Point & Elite Convoys 16-11-24 #Gameplay #Division2 #WZWildezword
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8 months agoFINANCIAL DISTRICT SWEEP /Pushing Build to the Limit /Ouro-Heartbreaker-Drone /#Gameplay #Division2Wildezword