The Great Reset Versus the Great ReAwakening | The Christian Prophets Versus Yuval Noah Harari (The Man Praised By Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, the New York Times, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, TEDTalks, James Corden, etc.)
Jim Breuer, Pastor Greg Locke, and Reverse Davos LIVE!!! The Event Begins March 23rd 2023 At 4:00 PM Central Featuring: Dr. Simone Gold, Amanda Grace, Pastor Leon Benjamin, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Dr. Stella Immanuel, Jeffrey Prather, etc.
CBDC | Project Icebreaker & CBDCs Being Released World Wide NOW!!! Are We Witnessing the Introduction of the Mark of the Beast System? BRICS Looks Add Additional Members Including: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mexico, etc.
Peter Navarro | Latest Developments On Trump Indictment | Is Joe Biden Attempting to Jail His Political Rival? What Can Be Done to Save the Republic? (Comments from Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Hillary Clinton, etc.)
ReAwaken America Tour Updates | 24 Tickets Remain for ReAwaken America Tour Miami (May 12th & 13th)!!! Tour Features: Gen Flynn, Julie Green, Dr. Immanuel, E Trump, Stone, Nunes, Patel, Navarro, Lara Trump, Breuer, Feucht, Lindell, Team America, etc
Michael Levine | How Michael Levine Became the #1 Public Relations Expert & the Consultant of Choice for Nike, Pizza Hut, Carlin, Prince, MJ, etc. + 4 Steps to Super Success + "Art of Cold Calling" + The Power of 29,200 Days + A New Normal
Le MUMMIE dei faraoni egiziani e le loro tombe a forma di piramide DOCUMENTARIO Le piramidi sono solo le tombe dei faraoni egiziani,mettevano tutto nella tomba piramidale gli arredi,l'oro,gli animali mummificati con il faraone,gli schiavi pure etc