OPEN DEBATE! Libertarianism, Catholicism, Atheism, Protestant, Muslim, BHI, Pagan, Etc Vs Jay Dyer

9 months ago

Jay Dyer
May 27, 2024
OPEN DEBATE! Libertarianism, Catholicism, Atheism, Protestant, Muslim, BHI, Pagan, Etc Vs Jay Dyer
Open call for all opponents to come make their case! Libertarians, Atheists, Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Black Hebrew Israelites, pagans / Neo-pagans, etc., can all come make their case. Call in here:

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2 hours ago (edited)
Since Jiub is apparently taking a break, I'll help the short attention span bros out:
5:38 Start
7:50 Trump, Crypto, Lolberts, NAP
46:15 Incoherrent Turk
48:42 Libertarian self worship, wicca, Crowley, Libertarians and Marxists similarities
51:07 Return of the incoherrent Turk, wants to debate Mary's gender -> Not a biologist
54:30 "Abrahamic religions", Ecumenism
58:00 Roman-Catholic TAG, Bonaventure, origin of TAG, Batman Analysis
1:01:38 Circularity in TAG justified
1:04:23 Procession of the Holy Spirit, Filioque and its implications
1:07:25 Symphonia Christian Church state relations
1:10:29 David Hume, inductive reasoning not empirically justifiable
1:15:51 Felon on the run rambling, gender of Holy Spirit
1:20:50 Lucky Charms bro returns for a random incoherent comment about the civil war
1:21:52 Edmund Burke freemason
1:22:58 Microsoft Tech support thinks Hinduism is monotheist
1:25:24 Buffet theology and the necessity of theological holism, Triad and Trent Horn's ignorance
1:28:08 Lucky 3 times a Charm bro: Why Islamic countries never became Soycialist
1:29:05 Microsoft Tech support question about Logos and Logoi, st. Augustin wrong, God's presence in time and space
1:33:35 BHI literally tarded
1:34:38 Codex Vaticanus Footnote, textual corruption
1:37:08 "Knowing things means thinking it's right" - Inebriated edgelord Ancient Alien troll bro 2024
1:40:35 Evil is a privation without ontological existence
1:44:18 A person of the Gordon triad calls in to talk about Lolberts
1:50:17 CHOQ
1:52:41 Science bro been growing some strong stuff in his petri dishes
1:57:06 Argument against the Orthodox Eucharist
2:00:02 Protestant quote mine Luke 9:49-55
2:01:38 Does Bitcoin necessitate Libertarianism/Classical Liberalism, Degenerate Popes
2:05:29 Introducing Roman Catholics to Orthodoxy -> clownmasspill your Catholic boomer grandma
2:06:50 Vegas event
2:07:31 Interpreting Christian Theology through Aristotelean philosophy
2:09:41 Herr Long von Winded
2:12:10 Who was the last Orthodox Bishop of Rome?
2:16:19 Do Orthodox believe in purgatory?
2:16:56 Mary's assumption
2:17:38 Muh Catholic apparitions
2:21:51 Is Protestantism a type of Islam?
2:22:18 Can a Protestant justify their theology from scripture?
2:22:44 Any similarities between Kabbalah and the Kabbah stone of Islam based on the name?

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