1. Solider faints at windsor castle

    Solider faints at windsor castle

  2. Four injured as runaway military horses bolt through central London

    Four injured as runaway military horses bolt through central London

  3. Royal Horses Get Health Check

    Royal Horses Get Health Check

  4. 10th Muharram | Part-5 | The Day Of ‘Ashura’ | Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) cursed Ibn Hawzah.

    10th Muharram | Part-5 | The Day Of ‘Ashura’ | Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) cursed Ibn Hawzah.

  5. Household cavalry trumpet player on a white horse #buckinghampalace

    Household cavalry trumpet player on a white horse #buckinghampalace

  6. Police pick up piece of the instrument dropped by the household cavalry #buckinghampalace

    Police pick up piece of the instrument dropped by the household cavalry #buckinghampalace

  7. The household cavalry on the mall #buckinghampalace

    The household cavalry on the mall #buckinghampalace

  8. The household cavalry musical band st James's Palace #buckinghampalace

    The household cavalry musical band st James's Palace #buckinghampalace

  9. The household cavalry musical band on the mall #buckinghampalace

    The household cavalry musical band on the mall #buckinghampalace

  10. The household cavalry musical band changing of the guards #buckinghampalace

    The household cavalry musical band changing of the guards #buckinghampalace

  11. Household cavalry leaves Bucking Palace BLUES AND ROYALS AND THE REDS #buckinghampalace

    Household cavalry leaves Bucking Palace BLUES AND ROYALS AND THE REDS #buckinghampalace

  12. The Household Cavalry the king troops leaving Buckingham Palace #buckinghampalace

    The Household Cavalry the king troops leaving Buckingham Palace #buckinghampalace

  13. Horse and carriage household cavalry #buckinghampalace

    Horse and carriage household cavalry #buckinghampalace

  14. the household cavalry lead the royals in to Buckingham Palace #buckinghampalace

    the household cavalry lead the royals in to Buckingham Palace #buckinghampalace

  15. Household cavalry leaving Buckingham Palace #buckinghampalace

    Household cavalry leaving Buckingham Palace #buckinghampalace

  16. Household cavalry on the mall #horseguardsparade

    Household cavalry on the mall #horseguardsparade

  17. Grenadier Guards Musical Support:Band of the Coldstream Guards #horseguardsparade

    Grenadier Guards Musical Support:Band of the Coldstream Guards #horseguardsparade

  18. Household Cavalry Drummer on horse back #lordmayorshow

    Household Cavalry Drummer on horse back #lordmayorshow

  19. The Household Cavalry in side street waiting to join the parade #mayorlordshow

    The Household Cavalry in side street waiting to join the parade #mayorlordshow

  20. Blues and royals Household cavalry musical support ##lordmayorshow

    Blues and royals Household cavalry musical support ##lordmayorshow

  21. Household cavalry drummer on horse back #lordmayorsshow

    Household cavalry drummer on horse back #lordmayorsshow