Israel | Why Are the Jewish People So Hated In the World? It Was Through the Nation of Israel That Our Savior Was Born. Israel Gave Us the Apostles & Prophets. Israel Gave Us the Word of God. + Standing w/ the People & Nation of Israel (Gen 12:1-3
Trick or Treat, Treats Represent the Delicacies of Satan's Kingdom, It Goes Back to Daniel the Prophet and Ancient Babylon + The Conviction of the Holy Spirit
The Bible | How to Read the Bible (Part 2) | Discover 40 Biblical Prophecies Being Fulfilled Right Now (Aaron Antis & Clay Clark) | SEE THE DESCRIPTION FOR ALL 40 CITED BIBLICAL REFERENCES
Israel | Through the Nation of Israel That Our Savior Was Born. Israel Gave Us the Apostles & Prophets. Israel Gave Us the Word of God. + Why We Stand w/ the People & Nation of Israel (Gen 12: 1-3)