Sabbath Message for 03/04/47/120 - 08/06/2024

8 months ago

Sabbath 03/04/47/120
Dear Friends,
This New Moon we saw that the New Moon of the Fourth Month called Tammuz fell on the 80th Anniversary of D Day. The sequence coincides with the 80 year cycle of the Last Days that we examined in the papers The Fall of Egypt: The Prophecy of Pharoah's Broken Arms (No. 036) and the Wars of the End (No. 036_2). The prophets Ezekiel and Daniel have to be understood together. The prophecies cover the period of eighty years from 605 BCE at the Battle of Carchemish to 525 BCE Cambyses' invasion of Egypt, and their prophetic span under Daniel. The Seven times is on a year for a day basis of 2520 years.  That takes the span from 605 BCE to 1916 CE with the commencement of the Second Phase of WWI with the Battle of the Somme and the commencement of the Time of Jacob's Trouble over the period to the end of the time of the Gentiles in 1996/7. That began the final thirty year period of the mourning for Moses to the Jubilee of 2027 and the end of Satan's rule and the Advent of the Messiah (Nos. 210A; 210B; 141E; 141E_2).  
The thirty years of the Mourning for Aaron began with the Six-Day War also over 6 June in 1967 and the recapture of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount was again under Israeli jurisdiction but not fully in their hands.
This also has significance for the sequence of the time of the end.
This last 80-year sequence began in the Time of the Mourning for Miriam in the D-Day Invasion which was to end WWII and the Holocaust (a prophetic time, times and half a time of 1260 days from 1941-1945).  The period was to deal with the Jews and their idolatry and false systems and also the failures of the Churches of God in Laodicea and a warning to Sardis over their adoption of Hillel and all the heresy that entailed. No one listened. The final phase and halfway point was 1984 when The Worthless Shepherd of Zech. 11:15-17 had handed over to the man who would destroy Sardis and scatter its last remnants. 1986 saw the death of the Idol (KJV) Shepherd and the final Measuring of the Temple (No. 137) began in 1987 and would continue then to the end of the Age in end 2027 with the millennial system commencing from the beginning of the 121st  jubilee on 1 Abib in March 2028. 
This 80th year anniversary commemorates the D-Day Invasion of 6 June but also commences the full sequence of the transition of power and commences the horrors of The Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2) and the final power of the Beast system. (No 299A).  The sword will not depart from Israel and the world now until the Son of Man comes again to take his throne as King Messiah and High Priest of Israel and the world.
The politicians and leaders who sold our people down the drain for gain from the globalists are about to receive their just desserts. So also will the leaders of Trinitarian Christianity and Islam and the divergent religious systems.  Islam will be back keeping the Sabbaths and New Moons and Feasts under the Temple Calendar under Messiah, and with repentant Judah, as it did under the prophet Qasim at Becca and Medina (see Q001, Q001C and D, Q019 and  Nos. 053; 274). However, by the time of the prophet in Islam Judah had already been corrupted by Hillel and the difference was recorded historically (see No. 274). Islam was simply a manifestation of the Church of God in Arabia (see No. 122D). It will be restored as will all Christianity and the entire world. We can stop the horror now and repent. If we wish to live on into the Millennium, the sooner we repent the greater chance we all have of staying alive.
Be still and see the Salvation of our God.  
All Sabbath Message videos can be found here on Rumble.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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