1. Lost and abandoned pets saved by local police program

    Lost and abandoned pets saved by local police program

  2. Launch highlights from flight of Bulgariasat-1 atop SpaceX Falcon 9

    Launch highlights from flight of Bulgariasat-1 atop SpaceX Falcon 9

  3. Watch from the ISS as it passes over Hurricane Jose and Hurricane Irma!

    Watch from the ISS as it passes over Hurricane Jose and Hurricane Irma!

  4. Tour through National Tropical Botanical Gardens in Hawaii

    Tour through National Tropical Botanical Gardens in Hawaii

  5. Nile Crocodile totally surprises gator caretaker

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  8. Florida rep rips into Harris ‘avoiding’ scrutiny, the media, flip-flopping accountability

    Florida rep rips into Harris ‘avoiding’ scrutiny, the media, flip-flopping accountability